Arbeitsblatt: Describing Objects


Powerpoint zur Einführung Beschreiben von Objekten für eine mündliche Prüfung
Anderes Thema
9. Schuljahr
6 Seiten




Lea Van Tiem
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Describing an object MATERIAL It is made of plastic, wood, glas, metal, rubber, paper, fabric It is green, red.dark brown Where can you find the object in your house? Where can you buy it? This object is usually in kitchen. You can find this object in an office, bathroom, bedroom, garage, attic, living room, kids room. You can buy this object in supermarket, toy store, hardwarestore, homedepot This object is used to What do you use it for? Who uses it? Kids play with ball. You use this to cook. Students use (a pen) to write in school. You use this to stick posters to the wall Do you have one at home? Would you like to have one? How much does it cost? Yes/ No. would like to have one, because. think it costs around 5 €.