Arbeitsblatt: Voices 2 - Unit 5 - Task A


Students Create a Travel Itinerary for a 3 Day-Trip to New York
Anderes Thema
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Mara Mischol
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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NYC Travel Itinerary Task CB p. 72-74 Imagine you are going to New York City with friend on your spring holiday. Put together 3day itinerary of activities, restaurants and all the information one might need to enjoy the time there. You must at least include one historic site, one natural site, one restaurant, one museum and 3 more sites, that you may chose. Plan at least three activities for every day. Describe each activity shortly, add picture and give some information about the real pricing of each activity. For each activity also write down why it is interesting and why you want to visit it. Also find hotel, that you would be staying in and give information about the room and the pricing. Maybe show, where the hotel is located. You can use the internet to research, what activities there are. If you want, also ask Chat GPT, he/she might have lot of good ideas. Make it as realistic as possible. One day you might be happy to have this itinerary! Write down your itinerary in 3-7 pages file, that you can easily take on your trip. This task will be graded. Check through the criteria on the next page. NYC Travel Itinerary Task CB p. 72-74 Criteria Requirements: Required content there. 3-7 pages pictures Content is correct. Content is detailed. Language is elaborated: choice of vocabulary sentences Language is correct: grammar spelling Appealing layout.