Arbeitsblatt: new world unit 4


taskify von unit 4
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Sarah Meister
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Teyl 2 Susanna Schwab Meister Assignment: Taskifying UNIT 4 IVP, PHBern Ylenia Avila, Lea Gfeller, Christina Arn, Sarah 02.05.2012 Taskified Activity from New World Olympic sports sports Types of tasks Activity Task Listing Olympic sports and snow z.B. Fact finding Lernziel Ordering and sorting Matching matching words and pictures (memory) Comparing Finding similarities and differences Problem solving Listen to the different names of sports and match them with the pictures. Play memory with the pictures and words. Gesprochene Wörter verstehen und mit den richtigen Bildern verbinden. Compare sport words in different languages Anecdotes; competitions favourite sport or 1 Social Form Order Lesen 1. Task Lesen, 2. Task Hören, Schreiben, (Sprechen) EA, PA 3. Task Wörter in verschiedenen Sprachen vergleichen Lesen, Sprechen PA, GA 4. Task Daily routine of sports person Texte anhand von verschiedenen Methoden lesen, verstehen und darüber diskutieren Lesen, Sprechen EA, KA 5. Task Personal experiences concerning sports. Über ein persönliches Sporterlebnis/ Sportereignis berichten. Oder über einen Sport, resp. eine/n Sportler/in berichten. Sprechen, Lesen, Schreiben, Hören EA, GA 6. Task Durch das MemorySpiel die Wörter lernen. (parallel words) case studies Sharing personal Experiences Passeparto ut English Teyl 2 Susanna Schwab Meister Assignment: Taskifying athlete. Projects and creative tasks Recording interview Planning radio show IVP, PHBern Ylenia Avila, Lea Gfeller, Christina Arn, Sarah 02.05.2012 Fragen stellen und beantworten Interessantes über die Biographie von Sportlern erfahren Schreiben, Sprechen, Hören EA, PA, KA 7. Projec Task Overview of our Activities Taskedbased learning focuses on the meaning potential and the social contexts of language. An important characteristic is the realworld connection of taskbased activities. The connection to the real life has motivating effect on the pupils and at the same time they become aware of the daily importance of the new language they learn. For that the tasks need to be authentic. The topic of the Unit 4, Olympic Games, includes sports which is normally part of most of the kids in classroom. Either they do sport themselves or they are interested in sports. For those who arent interested in sports the Unit offers opportunities like cultural studies ( about the Greek culture). The topic of Unit 4 is The Olympic Games. We took over this topic but created different tasks, adapted to the French course book Milles Feuilles, considering that all types of tasks are included. Our plan includes that at the end of our activities the pupils have to do radio project. Main Goal The main goal in the end of the activities is to create an interview and to record it to finally build podcast on the computer. The project in the end includes all four skills. Further on also IT skills. Input As possible Input we thought about the 12 th comic book of Asterix&Obelix, Asterix at the Olympic Games. The teacher could present the comic in form of Kamishibai (this is some kind like puppet theatre). The goal here is to motivate the pupils. For the single tasks the teacher should bring some articles about sports or even bring some interviews. Its also possible to show TVinterview with an athlete or to show sport event with typical moderation on TV. 2 English Teyl 2 Susanna Schwab Meister Assignment: Taskifying Tasks IVP, PHBern Ylenia Avila, Lea Gfeller, Christina Arn, Sarah 02.05.2012 Our tasks include the training of all four skills. We created them to offer training to the pupils considering the radio project in the end. The tasks dont have to follow special order but it would make sense because some of the tasks build on others ( task 3 and 4). 3