Arbeitsblatt: Hörverständnis New York


Hörverständnis zu YouTube-Video über die Sehenswürdigkeiten New Yorks. Link zum Video am Ende des Dokuments. Geeignet für OW Unit 2
Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Marcel (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Listening exercise New York Bei Multiple ChoiceAufgaben sind Mehrfachnennungen möglich. 1. Der Broadway ist eine von New Yorks Strassen. breitesten längsten meist befahrenen zentralsten ältesten 2. Der Broadway verläuft in von nach . 3. Der Time Square hat seinen Namen von einer Uhrenfabrik. einer Zeitung. einem Sportanlass. der hektischen Umgebung. 4. Which material was used to build the Chrysler Building? 5. How many acres does Central Park include? 6. How many floors do you find in the Museum of Natural History? 7. What can be seen in the Lincoln Centre? (2 answers) 8. What is the Fifth Avenue known for? expensive shops lot of traffic five huge skyscrapers beautiful display windows 9. When was the Rockefeller Center built? 10. What style was the St. Patricks Church built in? Baroque Romanticism Gothic Rococo 11. How many floors do you find in the Empire State Building? 12. How many people visit the building every year? 13. The Madison Square Garden is located in the of Manhattan. 14. George Washington liked to visit small pubs in New York. was the third president of the United States. worked in an army shop. was general in the colonial army. 15. When were the World Trade Center buildings attacked? 16. For the total cost of penny were allowed pass the Brooklyn Bridge. only people people and trolleys, but no animals people, trolleys, and animals 17. Who had to pass to the station at Ellis Island? 18. In New York you can find districts named after foreign countries. true false Link: