Arbeitsblatt: Ready for English 1, Unit 9, interview


Interview of a person
Anderes Thema
1. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Priska Flückiger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Interview of person 1. Choose person (not one of your classmates!!) 2. Make list of all the questions (a minimum of 15) you want to ask this person. Give copy to your teacher! The following points have to be in your interview: Get information about her his first name, surname, age, address, phone number (?), job, hobbies, likes, dislikes,. Ask this person what he she does at 5 times of the day (like: 7 oclock, half past eight, ). Use the following verbs in your interview: live, like, get up, work, watch, do, start, go drive, sleep, have (breakfast,) 3. Make presentation of this person (ca. 5 minutes)! Present all the information you have of her him and tell us why you want to present her her. Use materials like pictures of his person, the whiteboard, the OHP, music, 4. You can use some keywords (Stichwörter) on small paper, but NO sentences, only words!!! You get mark (Note) for it! The questionnaire (Fragebogen) gives you half mark (1/2 Note) and the presentation the other half. Presentation of person (Unit 9) Aspects well reached reached not reached Comments pronunciation information given correct Sentences fluency media: OPH, whiteboard, Questionnaire for the interview Aspects well reached grammar asks for all the information accurate vocabulary reached not reached Comments