Arbeitsblatt: Quiz Englisch


Fragen zu Sportarten
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Julia Huber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Quiz ski (Giulia, Michèle, David) 1. What is the name of women from the ski sport? 2. Which parts from the body do you need? 3. Is it winter or summer sport? 4. Is it an indoor sport? 5. Is it sport for sponsors? Quiz handball (Ardit, Batseba, Florin) 1. Is handball team or an individual sport? 2. Is handball an indoor or an outdoor sport? 3. Do you play it in summer or in winter? 4. Which equipment do you need? 5. What kind of body do you need? Quiz riding (Adshaya, Xenia, Leonie) 1. What do you need for riding (equipment)? 2. Whats the name from Isabell Werths first horse? 3. How many medals did Isabell Werth win? 4. Is riding indoor or an outdoor sport? 5. Is riding summer or winter sport? Quiz motocross (Giovanni, Serafin) 1. Which equipment do you need for motocross (3 things)? 2. Fort he warmup exercise its important to make? 3. Is supercross an indoor or an outdoor sport? 4. Who is champion in motocross? 5. Which muscles of the body do you need for motocross?