Arbeitsblatt: Slavery Gruppenpuzzle EN


Ein Gruppenpuzzle über das Thema Sklaverei, Underground Railroad, Gospel und Blues Songs
Anderes Thema
3. Schuljahr
35 Seiten




Axa Land
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter WELL Ein Gruppenpuzzle im Fach Englisch zum Thema Slavery trade-Life as slave -Slave songs In Zusammenhang mit New Hotline Elementary Unit 6: Past simple and past continuous Abb 1 Eine Arbeit von Alexandra Landtwing und Karin Matter 1 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Inhaltsverzeichnis 0. Zur Idee 3 1. Grobplanung . 5 2. Materials for expert groups 10 2.1 Slave Trade . 10 2.2 Life as Slave and the Underground Railroad 18 2.3 Slave songs and Blues 24 2. Materials for work in class 35 2 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 0. Zur Idee Wahl des Themas: Wir haben uns entschieden unser Gruppenpuzzle zu zweit zu gestalten um eine größere Materialsammlung anlegen zu können. Wir haben das Thema Sklavenhandel aus drei verschiedenen Gründen ausgesucht. Zum einen kann dazu viel authentisches Material verwendet werden, auch kann dieses Thema fächerübergreifend mit dem Fach Geschichte verbunden werden und es geht dabei um ein Geschehnis in der Vergangenheit, wobei sprachlich auf dieses grammatikalische Thema eingegangen werden kann. Das Thema wurde für eine 2 Sekundarstufe und ausgearbeitet, kann aber auch gut in einer 3. Oberstufe zur Anwendung kommen. Da die Texte relativ anspruchsvoll sind, ist von der Anwendung in der ersten Oberstufe eher abzuraten. Das Thema wurde so erarbeitet, dass es während des Themas „Past tenses als auch als Repetition der Pastformen gebraucht werden. So kann die Einheit parallel zu einem Grammatikthema, oder im spezifischen Falle von Frau Matter parallel zur Revision Unit 10 von Non Stop English 2 verwendet werden. Wobei die Grammatik- Inputs aus dem Lehrbuch kommen und das WELL in erster Linie der Sprachanwendung dient. Zusammenhang mit dem Geschichtsthema „Kolonialismus Laut Lehrplan erarbeiten die Schülerinnen und Schüler das Thema der Kolonisation erstmals in der ersten Sekundarklasse im Thema „Entdecker. Daher kann an vorangehendem Wissen angeknüpft werden um dieses anschließend zu vertiefen und zu erweitern. Aufbau des WELLs Wir haben unser Gruppenpuzzle folgendermaßen aufgebaut. Zuerst erhält die Klasse einen gemeinsamen Input zur amerikanischen Geschichte vor der Sklaverei. Anschließend erarbeiten die Schülerinnen und Schüler in Expertengruppen eines von drei Teilthemen zum Thema Sklavenhandel. Dafür erhalten sie eine breite Materialsammlung und ein Aufgabenblatt, welches ihnen vorgibt, wie sie das vorhandene Material nützen können, um am Schluss alle Leitfragen beantworten und ihr Thema ihren Mitschülerinnen und Mitschülern präsentieren zu können. Die Lernenden beginnen immer mit der Aufarbeitung des notwendigen Materials und basieren ihre Arbeit anschließend auf dem Haupttext, welcher durch zusätzliches Material noch ergänzt wird. Am Schluss haben wir eine formative Lernkontrolle eingebaut, welche die Schülerinnen und Schüler in ihren Präsentationsgruppen absolvieren. Dabei ist es so, dass die Lehrperson zu allen 3 Themen gleich viele Fragen stellt. Die Experten zu der jeweiligen Fragen dürfen nicht auf die Fragen antworten. Dies führt dazu, dass die Experten im Vorhinein dazu verpflichtet werden, ihren Gruppenmitgliedern möglichst viel erarbeitetes Wissen weiter zu geben. Das Ziel des Spiels ist es als Sklave zu entkommen. Mit jeder richtigen Antwort kommt die Gruppe ein Stück weiter, bis sie schließlich in Kanada ihre Freiheit findet. Das WELL ist so aufgebaut, dass die Lernenden während der Arbeit in Ihren Expertengruppen immer wieder aufgefordert werden selber zu reflektieren und anschließend in der Expertengruppe für ihre Antwort zu argumentieren. 3 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Hauptziele: Lernen soll in dieser Unterrichtseinheit stets als Hauptziel verfolgt werden. Einerseits soll Wert auf den grammatikalischen Teil gelegt werden, in diesem Falle die verschiedenen Vergangenheitsformen. Andererseits soll die Thematik der Sklaverei vertieft werden und Wissen über den Sklavenhandel angeeignet werden. Als überfachliche Kompetenz betrachten wir einerseits die vom WELL erforderte soziale Kompetenz der Zusammenarbeit und andererseits als Hauptschwerpunkt der Arbeit in den Expertengruppen die Erarbeitung von eines Posters. Dabei legen wir Wert darauf, dass das Produkt sauber gestaltet, inhaltlich korrekt sowie informativ abgefasst und in der Vergangenheitsform gestaltet ist. Die sogenannten Leitfragen (Leading questions) dienen den Schülerinnen und Schülern als Orientierungshilfe, damit sie in der großen Materialvielfalt (hauptsächlich im Internet) sich einfacher zurecht finden. Andererseits dienen diese Leading questions der Qualitätssicherung. Als Lernhilfen dienen die gemeinsam erarbeitetes Vokabular Kärtchen, das Hintergrundwissen aus dem Geschichtsunterricht, die abwechslungsreichen Arbeitsmaterialien, welche die Schüler visuell aber auch auditiv ansprechen. Bei den Filmen dient der ausgeschriebene Filmtext (tape script) bei schwächeren Lernenden als Unterstützungshilfe für das Verständnis. Zudem dürfen die Schülerinnen und Schüler stets ein Wörterbuch verwenden. Verknüpfung mit dem Grammatikthemas aus dem Buch Das Poster muss in korrekten „past tenses verfasst sein und wird bewertet. Grammatische Inputs werden vor zu, je nach Bedürfnissen der Schülerinnen und Schülern gegeben, Eine Möglichkeit ist es, anhand der obligatorisch zu lesenden Texts auf die unregelmäßigen Verben in der Vergangenheitsform zu sprechen zu kommen. Hier kann eine Liste der unregelmäßigen Vergangenheitsformen als Hilfe dienen. Im Falle vom Buch „Non stop English wird die grammar revision individuell durchgeführt, einzig das Thema „Pastformen wird gemeinsam anhand des Themas Sklavenhandel diskutiert und vertieft. 4 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 1. Grobplanung Lesson 1&2 Aims: Introduce students to slave trade through the history of America and the problematic of colonisation. Pupils link the topic to the history topic of colonisation Pupils get to know new method Pupils are forced to work in group, to be social Pupils get familiar with main vocabulary used in this lesson sequence Skills: Reading Listening Speaking Writing Material: Task sheets Folders for different subjects Dictionaries Vocabulary cards Lesson plan: Examples for C-C-C-C -Introduction in topic and the method Group puzzle: Content: Knowledge about American history Teacher gives short input about first sailors reaching America and how they spread. Teacher talks about colonisation and competing of different countries. Teacher explains method of group puzzle Number pupils and divide them in 3 groups of at least 6 people per group. Each group gets task (three different tasks on three different part subjects of slavery): Culture: Through songs 5 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 1 Slave Trade 2 Life as Slave and the Underground Railroad pupils become familiar with the slave culture 3 Slave songs and Blues Vocabulary cards: Each group gets 20 cards with keywords of their subject. They have to bring as many as possible in structure. Within the lesson sequence the students might change and complete this structure with own new vocabulary. This vocabulary is the basis for the final presentation on their topic. Communication: Talk in expert groups about subject and argue to find the best answer Distribution of task sheets and give procedure instruction: During all lessons about Slavery: Follow the instruction sheet At the end of each task, answer the questions on the instruction sheet together in the expert group Cognition: Pupils have to build their own structure of the subject and reflect it critically Once you have answered all the questions, continue with the next task At the end (lesson 3) you will prepare poster with all the important information about your subject and you will present it in mixed group to your classmates. In small test game your acquired knowledge will be tested -Start reading basic texts and maybe start discussions/ answering questions in expert groups Lesson 3&4 Aims: Students are able to work on their own and get the main information from their classmates. Role change: Students become teachers, teacher agitates as coach, rather in the background Pupils are able to summarize the most important information of their topic out of different media (texts, films, and click stories). Students become experts in one topic and feel competent to teach the acquired knowledge to other students Skills: Reading 6 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Listening Speaking Writing Material: Task sheets Folders for different subjects Computer room/ internet access (at least 3 computers, 1 per group). Dictionaries Lesson plan: Examples for C-C-C-C -Introduction: Content: Slave trade, escaping, live as slave, slave songs, Blues Teacher as coach is advising the different groups and is providing extra material if needed. -Individual Group Work: Fulfilling tasks on Task sheets Design group poster for the presentation in lesson 5 Teacher chooses one poster of each group and puts it in the middle of the group circle. Group members now need to complete the poster. At the end every person of one expert group has the same poster. -Homework: Individually: Take notes with keywords for presentation Culture: America and Africa, different norms, communication problems, religion etc. Communication: Arguing in groups, reading texts, understanding of films Cognition: Personal opinion about slavery, to structure and overview the topic Lesson 4 and 5 Aims: Pupils are able to present what they have learnt during the previous lessons Role change: Students become teacher, teacher agitates as coach, rather in the background Pupils are able to summarize the most important information of their topic out of different medias (texts, films, and click stories). Students become expert in one subject and feel competent to teach the acquired knowledge to other students Skills: 7 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Listening and Speaking and Presenting Material: The posters the pupils made Song Let my people go Dictionaries Lesson plan: Examples for C-C-C-C Preparation time: Cognition: How to structure the information Pupils come meet for last time in their expert groups and repeat ideas for presentation Presentation time: Class divided in 5-6 groups. In each group there is at least 1 experts of each subject. Each expert (team) has 10 minutes to present the highlights of their topic with the help of their poster. Content: Slave trade, escaping, live as slave, slave songs, Blues This group will also be the group for the following test-game (This is important in order to make the pupils explain their subject well to the others). Communication: Presenting the information in suitable way, asking questions, explaining, make sure that everybody in the group understands Escaping game: Formal Test: Students play in their presentation group. The teacher has prepared several questions for each topic. Before each question the teacher mentions the subject the question is about. The experts of this topic are not allowed to answer this question. In this way the teacher can see how well experts furthered their own knowledge. Culture: More knowledge about subject of slavery Song Time: Sing together the slave song Let my people go with call and response (Two groups, one for each voice or one lead singer and the rest of the class to response) Lesson 7 Optional lesson, if students are highly interested in topic. Film might also be shown in history lesson. Be careful: Film is quite brutal and violent! 8 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Skills: Listening and Reflecting/Arguing Expressing Feelings Material: Film Amistad Lesson plan: Watch together Film Amistad Discussion questions: What new impressions about slave trade did you get through the film? Are there similar situations today? (e.g. Women trade as sex slaves, kids kidnapping for organ trade etc.) 9 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 2. Materials for expert groups 2.1 Slave Trade 10 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter ? What do you think: how did the people feel when they were deported? 11 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Vocabulary cards for Task 1 Cut out the vocabulary cards and make mind map. If necessary, write extra vocabulary on the white cards. Slave trade Cotton plantation Triangular trade (to) exporte chained Weapons (to) suppress Plantation owners treated cloth illness thrown overboard liquor grabbed gagged chief cauldron fainted (be) shipped 12 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Text material for Task 2 13 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 14 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Link material and tape script for Task 3 For this task you need internet access. Enter the following link that leads you to the film: Triangular Trade British Transported at Least 3 Million Slaves: Tape script: If you have difficulties understanding the film, read the tape script and watch the film again. You can use dictionary to look up words you dont know. But: you dont need to understand every word to understand the context!! The xxx wars that raged through Europe during most of the 17th century were fought not only for territory and power, they determined who would dominate the new world and control the African trade. Those wars overwhelmingly resulted in British domination, because it was Englands mastery of the sea which was particularly clear in the 18th century. That enabled Britain really to dominate slavery as whole. Britain turned the slave trade into an industry, its ships alone carried in estimated least 3 million Africans to the Americas. But there was still plenty of opportunity for France, the Netherland and xxx every other countries in Europe to take part in the trade. By the seventeen hundreds (1700) money of the trade helped building the cities of Liverpool and Bristol in England and the French city of Nantes. All of them participated in great triangle of profit. The triangle of trade is phrase that is used to emphasize the lake between Africa, the tropical Americas and Europe. That was the triangle. Goods, commodities are shipped from Europe to West Africa to buy slaves. Slaves are taken to the Americas to grow sugar. Those crops were then shipped to Europe, where theyre manufactured for re- export to Africa to buy slaves. Thats the idea of the triangle of trade. 15 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Comic for Task 4 Quelle: Link material Task 5 Link to Amistad trailer: Write down at least 10 adjectives that describe feelings and make sketch of the each feeling: 16 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Leading questions Slave Trade: 1) When did the slave trade happen? 2) What was the reason for the slave trade? 3) What is the Triangular Trade and how did it work? 4) Explain the conditions during the shipping. 17 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 2.2 Life as Slave and the Underground Railroad 18 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 19 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Vocabulary cards for Task 1 Cut out the vocabulary cards and make mind map. If necessary, write extra vocabulary on the white cards. Stumbled To be owned cattle Slave traders To be rented sold To raise Plantation owners treated folks freedom To declare Run away gun escape Reaching safety Tobacco fields Pretending to Abolitionist across 20 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Text material for Task 2 21 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Link material and tape script for Task 3 For this task you need internet access. a) Read the following definition of Underground Railroad: The Underground Railroad was an informal network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century black slaves in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists who were sympathetic to their cause. One estimate suggests that by 1850, 100,000 slaves had escaped via the Railroad. Canada was popular destination with over 30,000 people arriving there to escape enslavement via the network at its peak, though US Census figures only account for 6,000. b) Enter the following link that leads you to click story: The underground railroad: 22 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Leading questions Slave Trade: 1) How were slaves treated by their owners? 2) Which possibilities were there to escape Slavery? 3) When did Slaves become free? 4) How many slaves were able to escape? 23 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 2.3 Slave songs and Blues 24 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 25 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Vocabulary cards for Task 1 Cut out the vocabulary cards and make mind map. If necessary, write extra vocabulary on the white cards. monotonous Plantation owners sadness work songs spirituals references call and response (to) escape freedom slave masters treatment cruel underground railroad chasing dogs (be) forced Christianity visions of hope and escape biblical roots tradition 26 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Text material for Task 2 27 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 28 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 29 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Links Task 3 Links Task 4 Go to the following link and watch the first minute and from minute 05.00 -05.40 of the film HISTORY DETECTIVES. 30 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Spiritual- and working songs 3 Task 5 Look at this spiritual (1, 2, 3, 5)- and working (4) songs. Compare them, what do they have in common, what are the differences? What are the lyrics about? Let my people go When israel was in egypt land. Let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand. Let my people go! So the God seyeth: go down, moses Way down in egypt land Tell all pharaoes to Let my people go! Describe the characteristics of these songs. Take notes. Listen to the song Let my people go. What typical elements of spiritual can you hear? So moses went to egypt land. Let my people go! 1 He made all pharaoes understand. Let my people go! Yes the lord said go down, moses Way down in egypt land Tell all pharaoes to Let my people go! Thus spoke the lord, bold moses said: -let my people go! if not Ill smite, your firstborns dead -let my people go! CHORUS 2 4 Cotton Fields When was little bitty baby My mama would rock me in the cradle, In them old cotton fields back home; It was down in Louisiana, Just about mile from Texarkana, In them old cotton fields back home. Oh, when them cotton bolls get rotten You cant pick very much cotton, In them old cotton fields back home. 31 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Task 6 What is special about the song Wade in the water? You will find information about the song in the text, but also in the film. Take some notes. 5 Wade in the water (Chorus) Wade in the water. Wade in the water, children. Wade in the water. God gonna trouble the water. Well, who are these children all dressed in red? God a-gonna trouble the water Must be the children that Moses led God a-gonna trouble the water. Chorus Who that young girl dressed in white Wade in the Water Must be the Children of Israelites God gonna trouble the Water. Chorus Jordan water is chilly and cold. God gonna trouble the water. It chills the body, but not the soul. God gonna trouble the water. Chorus If you get there before do. God gonna trouble the water. Tell all of my friends Im coming too. God gonna trouble the water. Chorus 32 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Blues Task 3 Look at the song „Born under bad sign. What topics can you find in the song? Describe the content of each paragraph in your own word. Watch Albert king performing this song: What characteristics of blues songs can you hear? Why is this song typical blues song? Refer to the text blues in your folder. Born Under Bad Sign (sung by Albert King) by Booker T. Jones William Bell Born under bad sign been down since begin to crawl If it wasnt for bad luck, wouldnt have no luck at all Hard luck and trouble is my only friend been on my own ever since was ten Born under bad sign been down since begin to crawl If it wasnt for bad luck, wouldnt have no luck at all cant read, havent learned how to write My whole life has been one big fight Born under bad sign been down since begin to crawl If it wasnt for bad luck, wouldnt have no luck at all aint lyin If it wasnt for bad luck wouldnt have no kind-a luck If it wasnt for real bad luck, wouldnt have no luck at all Wine and women is all crave big legged woman is gonna carry me to my grave Born under bad sign been down since begin to crawl If it wasnt for bad luck, wouldnt have no luck at all Yeah, my bad luck boy Been havin bad luck all of my days, yes 33 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter Leading questions Slave Songs: 1) Why did Slaves clap in their hands while singing? 2) Why did they sing? 3) What is special about the song wade in the water? 4) Which type of music came after the Slave songs? 34 Lernumgebung WELL Gruppenpuzzle Alexandra Landtwing and Karin Matter 2. Materials for work in class Song text of song used in class: Let my people go When Israel was in Egypt land. Let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand. Let my people go! So the God seyeth: go down, Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all pharaoes to Let my people go! So Moses went to Egypt land. Let my people go! He made all pharaoes understand. Let my people go! Yes the Lord said go down, Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all pharaoes to Let my people go! Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said: -let my people go! if not Ill smite, your firstborns dead -let my people go! CHORUS 35