Arbeitsblatt: friendship


Einzelstunde zum Thema friendship
Anderes Thema
11. Schuljahr
11 Seiten




Juliane Sanfilippo
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Juliane Sanfilippo Datum: 12.03.14 Stunde: 3. Std. Modul: FD Englisch Fach: Englisch Lerngruppe: EPhase (E07) Zeit: 09:40 – 10:25 Uhr Schülerinnen: 12 Thema der Reihe: Friendship Thema der Stunde: What makes friend true friend Schule: OttoHahnSchule Raum: B.0.02 Schüler: 10 Zentrale/r fachliche/r Kompetenzbereich/e: Sprechkometenz Material: Smartboard, OHP, Flipchart, AB, Poster, Werbeclip Einbettung der Stunde in die Reihe (vorausgegangene/nachfolgende Stunde) Songs about friendship (Bruno Mars Rihanna), writing of poem about friendship Didaktisches Zentrum: Im Zentrum der Stunde steht die Auseinandersetzung mit den Erwartungen an eine gute Freundschaft. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler sollen wichtige Eigenschaften eines wahren Freundes erarbeiten, diskutieren und vorstellen. Anhand von Sprichwörtern sollen sie weitere Aspekte über Freundschaft herausarbeiten und begründen, inwiefern sie diesen Aussagen zustimmen oder nicht. Dabei sollen die in erster Linie üben, ihre Meinung zu äußern und zu begründen. Somit dient die Stunde in erster Linie der Förderung der Sprechkompetenz. Zentrales überfachliches Kompetenzziel: Die Stunde dient insbesondere einer Erweiterung der Sozialkompetenz, indem die in kooperativen Arbeitsformen miteinander agieren und diskutieren. e l n e U t r i h s e la f Phasenintention, Lehrerhandeln, zentrale Impulse Einstieg: zeigt zu Beginn einen kurzen Werbeclip und fragt nach dem ersten Eindruck: What do you think? gibt weiteren Frageimpuls (TPS): What would you do for your best a good friend? (If you did something very special for friend or if friend did something special for you and you like to tell us about it, you are welcome to do so.) Alternative: What was the best thing you have done for friend a friend has done for you? Da die Frage sehr persönlich ist und einige evtl. nicht darauf antworten möchten oder können, entschied ich mich gegen diese Frage. Ich wollte den jedoch dennoch ermöglichen, von ihren eigenen Erfahrungen zu berichten. Alternative: Einsatz des folgenden Werbespots: Erarbeitungsphase 1: Now that we know what you would do for friend would like to know what you expect from friend. In your opinion, what makes friend valuable friend? 1. On your own, write down at least 5 things character traits (key words) that are most important to you in friend. (1 minute) 2. Present your ideas to your group. Explain your keywords and give reasons why they are important to you. Try to give examples from your own experience. Erwartete Ergebnisse des Schülerhandelns Methode/ Medien Sozialform Dauer schauen den Werbeclip und berichten ihre Eindrücke und Meinung: This is cool funny crazy exaggerated.He makes fool of himself just to help his friend. This proves him to be true friend Anschließend überlegen die S, was sie für ihren besten Freund alles tun würden und berichten evtl. aus ihren eigenen Erfahrungen. would stand up for my friend if other people talked badly about him/her, would defend my friend, would try to help him her in difficult situation, would lie for my friend Smartboard, Werbeclip: vIBGaBS34a1 A#t25 Plenum TPS 810 Schülerantworten: AB (language support), Poster TSS Placemat 10 Trust/ trustworthy, honesty/honest, humour humorous, acceptance, respect, good listener, helpful, reliability, having fun together Die starken und schnellen sollen sich einen Satz oder ein Sprichwort, dass für sie Freundschaft beschreibt, hinzufügen. (4 minutes) 3. Within your group, discuss your ideas and decide on the 5 most important aspects. Write them on poster. (5 minutes) 4. Present your poster in class. Give reasons for your choice. You all need to be able to present in class later! Auf allen Tischen liegen language support sheets, um den Austausch innerhalb der Gruppe sprachlich zu unterstützen Sicherung 1: Siehe 4. (Minimalziel) fordert 2 Gruppen auf, ihre Poster aufzuhängen und vorzustellen. Die anderen kommentieren die Präsentation und fügen hinzu. Anschließend fordert die anderen Gruppen auf, ihre Poster dazuzuhängen und gibt folgenden Impuls: Have look at the posters. What do you see? Are there any similarities or differences? Alternative: Die bekommen 4 unterschiedliche Texte, die sie sich gegenseitig erklären. Anschließend fügen sie mindestens 2 weitere Aspekte, die ihnen wichtig in einer Freundschaft sind hinzu und ordnen die Aspekte ihrer Wichtigkeit nach. Sicherung: 4 präsentieren ihre Texte auf Folie. Erarbeitungsphase 2: Now that we know what character traits you look for in friend it might be interesting to find out what other people think about friendship. brought you 5 different proverbs on friendship. (Je nach zur Verfügung stehenden Zeit auch weniger Zitate) 1. T: Read all proverbs and choose one you agree and one hängen ihre Poster nebeneinander auf und präsentieren diese. schauen, inwiefern ihre Antworten ähnlich bzw. unterschiedlich sind. Präsentationen Plenum 510 GA TSS lesen, besprechen und diskutieren die Sprichwörter. TPS 5 you disagree the most. 2. P: Explain all proverbs to each other and discuss your choice. 3. S: Share your ideas in class. First explain the proverb and then give reasons why you agree/ disagree. Normalziel: 3 Zitate Maximalziel: 5 Zitate Sicherung 2: Siehe Punkt 3. Didaktische Reserve: stellt folgende Fragen: How many friends do you have on facebook? Do you think facebook has changed the definition of friendship? In how far can you call them friends? Stundenausstieg: L. fordert S. auf, die Stunde zu kommentieren: Comment on todays lesson by finishing one of these sentences. 5 Plenum Murmelrunde Plenum 5 5 Jeder wählt einen Satz,dener vervollständigt. Blitzlicht Plenum On your own, write down at least 5 things character traits (keywords) that are most important to you in friend. (12 minutes) Present your ideas to your group. Explain your keywords and give reasons why they are important to you. Try to give examples from your own experience. (5 minutes) Within your group, discuss your ideas and decide on the 5 most important aspects. Write them on poster. You all need to be able to present later in class. Read all proverbs and choose one you agree and one you disagree the most. (1 minute) Explain all proverbs to each other and discuss your choice. (23 minutes) Share your ideas in class. First explain the proverb and then give reasons why you agree disagree. 3 – 5 minutes) Proverbs: friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. The best mirror is an old friend. hedge between keeps friendship green. friend is one who dislikes the same people you dislike. Friends come and go. LANGUAGE SUPPORT Exchanging ideas and expressing your opinion: Ive written that Ive got. In my opinion (a friend should/ the most important aspect(s) is are) am of the opinion that In my view think believe feel To me, it seems (important that) because Let me give you an example. Speaking from experience, . What have you written down? Now its your turn. Agreeing: Yes, think you are right. agree with . because fully partly agree with that, but Id like to add that. agree up to point, but (on the other hand) Comparing ideas: One can see that/ It becomes obvious that Disagreeing: Most groups/ almost all groups consider find . very important. dont agree with that. I disagree with.because The think most thats important dont right./ second most important thing in friendseems to be ImWhat not sure that. surprising striking findabout interesting On the one hand.on the other hand 1) Topics like politics and religion can serve as reliable gauge* in finding out whether friendship is true. During discussion of controversial issue, true friend should not harass* you to change your mind. True friendship is not ruined by differences of philosophies or ideals. true friend accepts you the way you are and does not try to change you. a gauge – test an instrument for testing to harass sb. – to put pressure on sb to do sth 2) True friends will never lie to you or keep the truth from you, even if the truth hurts. Theyll offer honest opinions and advice, but theyll do it gently and keep your feelings in mind. Furthermore, if you tell your friend the truth for example about their horrible singing, this shouldnt damage your friendship although your declarations may sting* your friends ego. True friendship is able to survive the honest truth. to feel pain 3) Consider whether or not your friend pays attention to you when you talk. true friend will listen to you carefully while youre talking. Trust is also an important component of true friendship. true friend should be able to keep your secret to herself/himself no matter how much it aches* to spill the news. If word gets back to you that your friend has told your secret, you know that you need to watch what you do and say around them. here: to really want to do sth 4) Pay attention to how often your friend asks you for favour. If your friend is always asking for something, then he/she may just be your friend for the benefits you share. You should help your friends, yet those who call you only when they need something are not true friends. True friends will also like to do special things for you, such as planning party for your birthday and they will be ready to do favour for you although it might inconvenience* them. to cause trouble Adapted from: see also: Klett Green Line Oberstufe Klasse 10 Comment on todays lesson by finishing one of the following sentences: Friendship means Friends are important because friend should For my friends would.