Arbeitsblatt: Open World 1 Karteikarten


7. Schuljahr
13 Seiten




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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt: Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 agree zustimmen Youre right. agree with you. Unit 2 Unit 2 erstaunt, verblüfft amazed adj She was amazed to see an elephant in the city. Unit 2 Unit 2 Architekt architect Architects design buildings. Unit 2 Unit 2 Grenze border Vancouver is not far from the border between Canada and the USA. Unit 2 Unit 2 Baumaterial building materials pl Wood and stone are building materials. Unit 2 Unit 2 Herausforderung challenge Cycling from Bern to Paris is real challenge. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 development Entwicklung The development of computers has made lot of jobs easier. Unit 2 Unit 2 nicht einverstanden sein, anderer Meinung sein disagree Teenagers often disagree with their parents. Unit 2 Unit 2 Technik, Ingenieurwissenschaft engineering My father works in engineering, constructing bridges and buildings. Unit 2 Unit 2 Granit granite Granite is hard stone. Unit 2 Unit 2 Mangel lack When theres lack of food, people dont have enough to eat. Unit 2 Unit 2 (Höchst)grenze, Limit limit The speed limit in towns is generally 30 mph. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 opinion Meinung, Ansicht In my opinion, thats not good idea. Unit 2 Unit 2 nach aussen outwards adv Start in the centre of the circle and move outwards. Unit 2 Unit 2 sich qualifizieren als, gelten als qualify A 50-year-old doesnt qualify as child. Unit 2 Unit 2 sich niederlassen settle Many people want to settle in New York, but there arent enough flats. Unit 2 Unit 2 Wolkenkratzer skyscraper A skyscraper is very tall building. Unit 2 Unit 2 Raum, Platz space Can you make space for another table? Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 steel Stahl Steel is metal. Unit 2 Unit 2 hässlich ugly adj This house is not beautiful; its ugly. Unit 2 Unit 2 nach oben, aufwärts upwards adv Plants grow upwards towards the light. Unit 2 Unit 2 Firma, Unternehmen company She works for car company. Unit 2 Unit 2 bauen construct The Flatiron Building was constructed in 1902. Unit 2 Unit 2 Hirsch deer Bambi is young deer. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 design Design, Entwurf, Muster like the design of this car. Unit 2 Unit 2 Mode fashion Art Deco was in fashion in the 1920s. Unit 2 Unit 2 Gründer founder Walter Chrysler was the founder of the Chrysler Corporation. Unit 2 Unit 2 altmodisch old-fashioned adj dont want to wear my grandmothers old coat. It is so old-fashioned! Unit 2 Unit 2 Muster pattern I like the colour of your pullover but dont like the pattern. Unit 2 Unit 2 erkennen recognise Dont you recognise me? Im your cousin. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 remind of erinnern an You remind me of my brother. He has the same laugh as you. Unit 2 Unit 2 Turmspitze spire You can see the church spire from far away. Unit 2 Unit 2 Wecker alarm clock Every morning my alarm clock goes off at seven oclock. Unit 2 Unit 2 Sessel, Fauteuil armchair An armchair is comfortable chair you often find by fireplace. Unit 2 Unit 2 Haupt-, zentral core adj The core room is the central room of house. Unit 2 Unit 2 entwerfen design Architects design buildings. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 dining room Esszimmer We always have dinner in the dining room. Unit 2 Unit 2 zeichnen draw Can you draw picture of horse? Unit 2 Unit 2 Ankleideraum dressing room She always gets changed in her dressing room. Unit 2 Unit 2 Stockwerk, (Fuss)boden floor I live on the 10 floor. Dont throw your clothes th on the floor! Put them on chair. Unit 2 Unit 2 Grundriss (eines Gebäudes) floor plan A floor plan shows the rooms of house from above. Unit 2 Unit 2 Gästezimmer guestroom Why dont you stay for the night? You can sleep in the guestroom. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 hair-dryer Haartrockner, Föhn Your hair is wet. Use hair-dryer before you go out. Unit 2 Unit 2 unmöglich impossible adj Its impossible to read with closed eyes. Unit 2 Unit 2 Waschküche laundry room Our washing machine is in the laundry room. Unit 2 Unit 2 Lichtschalter light switch Its so dark, cant find the light switch! Unit 2 Unit 2 Musikzimmer music room A music room is room where you can play musical instrument. Unit 2 Unit 2 Übersicht overview This map gives you an overview of our city. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 playroom Spielzimmer Dont play in the kitchen, children! Go to the playroom. Unit 2 Unit 2 bevorzugen prefer I like tennis but prefer badminton. Unit 2 Unit 2 Treppe stairs pl He always runs down the stairs when hes late. Unit 2 Unit 2 Sonnenbrille sunglasses pl Sunglasses protect your eyes from bright sunlight. Unit 2 Unit 2 Zahnbürste toothbrush You clean your teeth with toothbrush. Unit 2 Unit 2 dann, danach after that He went to supermarket. After that, he went to bakery. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 boot Kofferraum Could you put your bag in the boot of the car, please? Unit 2 Unit 2 Säule column Greek temples are built with several columns. Unit 2 Unit 2 sich winden, sich einrollen, sich locken curl Children often curl up into ball when they sleep. My hair isnt straight; it curls. Unit 2 Unit 2 jetzig, gegenwärtig, aktuell current adj My old job was boring but my current job is very interesting! Unit 2 Unit 2 gebogen, gekrümmt curved adj The roof of this house isnt flat – its curved. Unit 2 Unit 2 enorm, riesig enormous adj These windows arent just big; theyre enormous! Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 exterior Aussenseite The exterior of building is what you see from outside. Unit 2 Unit 2 Fassade, Vorderseite façade There is graffiti on the façade of this building. Unit 2 Unit 2 schliesslich, schlussendlich finally adv have finally finished that book you lent me. Unit 2 Unit 2 zuerst first adv In the mornings get ready first, then have breakfast. Unit 2 Unit 2 (Etagen)wohnung, Mietwohnung flat I live in flat, not house. Unit 2 Unit 2 Erdgeschoss ground floor The ground floor of building is on street level. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 huge adj riesig The Empire State Building is huge! Its 381 high. Unit 2 Unit 2 Lift lift Im tired of walking up these stairs. Lets take the lift. Unit 2 Unit 2 Lastwagen lorry You use lorry to transport large objects. Unit 2 Unit 2 Marmor marble The Taj Mahal is made of marble. Unit 2 Unit 2 dann, gleich darauf next adv First, went shopping. Next, had lunch with my friend. Unit 2 Unit 2 Trottoir pavement Sometimes you have to walk on the road if there is no pavement. Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World Vocabulary Vocabulary cards Words to learn Unit 2 prominent adj auffällig This building is very prominent. Its not like all the others. Unit 2 Unit 2 dann, danach then adv Walk straight on for 50 metres, then turn left. Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag, Zug 2011 Website Open World