Arbeitsblatt: Explorers3_lynx_quiz


Lynx Quiz aus Explorers 3 (born to be wild) als Folie
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Andrea Peter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Lynx quiz Choose the correct statements: 1. The fur of the Eurasian lynx is a) yellowishgrey to reddishbrown with black spots b) snowwhite to dark brown with black stripes 2. An adult lynx weighs about a) the same as pet cat (2 to 5 kilos) b) seven times as much as pet cat (16 to 35 kilos) 3. The paws of the lynx look more like a) the paws of cat b) the paws of bear 4. Some special features of the lynx are a) tuft of black hair on the tip of each ear b) short legs and small teeth 5. Lynxes live a) in forests, specially mountain forests b) in fields and forests, especially near towns 6. Lynxes eat a) other animals b) plants