Arbeitsblatt: Fragen zum Film Hogfather


Fragen zum Film The Hogfather
Anderes Thema
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Jane Eyre (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Hogfather Its the night before Hogswatch, that special time when the Hogfather delivers presents to the kiddies at the mid-winter festival in the medieval melting pot of AnkhMorpork. But when the Hogfather goes missing, the inspiring belief in Hogswatch could be lost forever. Who will save him? Nay who will find him? 1. Who wrote the Hogfather book? Anthony Horowitz J.R.R Tolkein Terry Pratchett 2. What is Hogswatch equivalent to? New year Christmas Easter Halloween 3. What is the first creature that suddenly appears after making joke about it? Sock eater Veruca Gnome Tooth fairy 4. Who goes missing on Hogswatch eve? Death Susan Tooth fairy Hogfather 5. Who is related to Death? Susan Mr Teatime Albert 6. What did Susan beat the monster in the basement with? Poker Knife Death sword Log 7. Who replaces the Hogfather? Albert Death Mr teatime 8. Who gave his voice to Death? David Jason Ian richardson Nigel Planer 9. What will not happen if hogfather is not saved? The sun will not rise Everyone will die 10. Who kills and how does Mr teatime die? Death stabbed him Susan Throughs poker at him Susan throughs poker through death and into Mr Teatime