Arbeitsblatt: Ex. possessive pronouns mine yours etc. - inkl. solutions
Erstellt für eine 2. Sek, Anforderungsstufe ll/lll, Übung zum Voices Basic 2, Unit 2
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Nadine Steuble
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Exercise possessive pronouns 1) Fill in the correct possessive pronouns. a) b) you c) he d) she e) it f) we g) you h) they 2) Fill in the missing possessive pronouns. a) Dont take this book! Its (meines)! b) Whose car is this? Its (seines). c) The green skis are (ihre plural). d) Where are (deine)? e) If you find pink cell phone its (ihres singular). f) Have you seen this beautiful picture? Its (unseres). g) There are some keys on the table. Are they (deine)? h) They had their lunch in pizzeria. Where did you have i) Those caps look the same. Which one is (euren)? (seines)? j) Who does this bone belong to? Your dog? Yes, it‘s (seiner). Exercise possessive pronouns 1) Fill in the correct possessive pronouns. i) mine j) you yours k) he his l) she hers m) it its n) we ours o) you yours p) they theirs 2) Fill in the missing possessive pronouns. k) Dont take this book! Its mine (meines)! l) Whose car is this? Its his (seines). m) The green skis are n) Where are theirs yours o) If you find pink cell phone its (ihre plural). (deine)? hers (ihres singular). p) Have you seen this beautiful picture? Its ours (unseres). q) There are some keys on the table. Are they yours (deine)? r) They had their lunch in pizzeria. Where did you have s) Those caps look the same. Which one is yours his (seines)? (euren)? t) Who does this bone belong to? Your dog? Yes, it‘s its (seiner).