Arbeitsblatt: Inspiration 1


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1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page inspiration 1 Beginner Companion German Edition 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page ii Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford, OX4 3PP, UK division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 13: 978 1 4050 8431 4 ISBN 10: 1 4050 8431 6 Text, design and illustration Macmillan Publishers Limited 2006 First published 2006 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Anne Sherlock Illustrated by Mark Davies The publishers would like to thank Olivia Johnston for the Vocabulary Extra! exercises Printed and bound in Spain by Edelvives 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1405084316_txt_1 21/12/05 6:39 pm Page iii CONTENTS Welcome to the inspiration Companion 1 WORDLIST Unit 1 1 Unit 2 8 Unit 3 15 Unit 4 21 Unit 5 26 Unit 6 31 Unit 7 35 Unit 8 40 Grammar Summary 44 Alphabetical Index 52 Vo a u a y x r ! 60 What information does the inspiration Companion 1 give you? • summary of key words and phrases from each unit of inspiration 1 Students Book • pronunciation of the key words and phrases • translations of the key words and phrases • sample sentences showing the words and phrases in context • translation of the Grammar Summary from inspiration 1 Students Book • alphabetical index • listening activities to practice key words and phrases • Macmillan English Dictionary ‘Star rating Abbreviations used in the Companion (art) (v) (v*) (adj) (n) article verb irregular verb adjective noun (phr v) (pron) (prep) (det) (f) phrasal verb pronoun preposition determiner feminine (m) (pl n) (adv) (conj) masculine plural noun adverb conjunction (Am E) American English (TS) Tapescript VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS /I/ /i:/ /U/ /u:/ /e/ // /‰:/ big fish green beans should look blue moon ten eggs about mother learn words /bIg fIS/ /gri:n bi:nz/ /SUd lUk/ /blu: mu:n/ /ten egz/ /baUt møD/ /l‰:n w‰:dz/ /O:/ /œ/ /ø/ /A:/ /Å /I/ /eI/ short talk fat cat must come calm start hot spot ear face /SO:t tO:k/ /fœt kœt/ /møst køm/ /kA:m stA:t/ /hÅt spÅt/ /I/ /feIs/ /U/ /OI/ /U/ /e/ /aI/ /aU/ pure boy nose hair eye mouth /pjU(r)/ /bOI /nUz/ /he/ /aI/ /maU/ /pen/ /bœd/ /ti:/ /dÅg/ /tS‰:tS/ /dZœz/ /kÅst/ /g‰:l/ /f/ /v/ // /D/ /s/ /z/ /S/ /Z/ far voice thin then snake noise shop measure fa:(r)/ /vOIs/ /In/ Den/ /sneIk/ /nOIz/ /SÅp/ /mez(r)/ /m/ /n/ /N/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /w/ /j/ make nine sing house leg red wet yes /meIk/ /naIn/ /sIN/ /haUs/ /leg/ /red/ /wet/ /jes/ CONSONANTS /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /tS/ /dZ/ /k/ /g/ pen bad tea dog church jazz cost girl 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you (pp. 6–7) all (pron) and (conj) boy (n) English (adj) everyone (pron) friend (n) from (prep) girl (n) Hello! (interj) Hi! (interj) meet (v) Mexico (n) name (n) new (adj) nice (adj) Poland (n) pleased (adj) school (n) Switzerland (n) teacher (n) (the) USA (United States of America) (n) Welcome to /Ol/ /œnd, nd/ /bOI/ /INglIS/ /evriwøn/ /frend/ /frÅm, frm/ /g‰l/ /helU/ /haI/ /mit/ /meksIkU/ /neIm/ /nju/ /naIs/ /pUlnd/ /plizd/ /skul/ /swItslnd/ /titS/ /D ju es eI/ /welkm t/ alle und Junge englisch; Engländer(in) alle Freund(in) aus Mädchen Hallo! Hi!; Hallo! kennen lernen Mexiko Name neu nett; angenehm Polen erfreut Schule die Schweiz Lehrer(in) die USA (die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika) Willkommen in. Its nice to meet you all. Im Barbara and this is Carl. Carl is the boy from the USA. Rosie and Anita are English. Hi everyone. Its nice to meet you. This is my friend Carl. Dominic is from Switzerland. The girl from Poland is Barbara. Hello! Were very pleased to be here. Hi! My name is Dominic. Its nice to meet you all. Mexico is in Central America. Whats the name of the boy from the USA? Here are your new English friends – Anita, Rosie, Kieran and Steve. Hello! Its nice to meet you all. Barbara is from Poland – country in Eastern Europe. Were very pleased to be here. Kieran and Steve are at school in York. Switzerland is very beautiful country with lakes and mountains. The name of the teacher is Tony Dale. People in the USA speak English. Welcome to York, everyone! 1 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 2 Student Exchange (pp. 8–9) address (n) American (adj) Belgian (adj) Belgium (n) day (n) England (n) exchange (n) her (poss adj) his (poss adj) international (adj) /dres/ /merIkn/ /beldZn/ /beldZm/ /deI/ /INglnd/ /IkstSeIndZ/ /h‰/ /hIz/ /IntnœSnl/ Mexican (adj) my (poss adj) No. phone number (n) Polish (adj) student (n) Swiss (adj) visitor (n) Where? What? Who? Yes. your (poss adj) /meksIkn/ /maI/ /nU/ /fUn nømb/ /pUlIS/ /stjudnt/ /swIs/ /vIzIt/ /we/ /wÅt/ /hu/ /jes/ /jO/ Whats your address? 10 Market Lane. Adresse; Anschrift amerikanisch; Amerikaner(in) Is Carl American? Yes, he is. Theyre from Belgian international school. belgisch The international school is in Belgium. Belgien They are in England for ten days. Tag York is city in the north of England. England They are on student exchange in England for ten days. Austausch Her names Rosie – shes English. ihr His names Carl – hes American. sein Barbara, Sara, Carl and Dominic are from an international school in international Belgium. mexikanisch; Mexikaner(in) Saras from Mexico – shes Mexican. Hi, my name is Jennifer. mein Is Kieran from the USA? No, he isnt. Nein. Anitas phone number is 905366. Telefonnummer Is Barbara English? No, shes Polish. polnisch; Pole/Polin Is Tony Dale student? No, hes teacher. Student(in) Dominic is from Switzerland – hes Swiss. Schweizer(in) Each English student has one visitor. Besucher Wheres Sara from? Shes from Mexico. Wo(her)? Whats your address? Was?; Wie? Whos the boy from Switzerland? His names Dominic. Wer? Is Sara from Mexico? Yes, she is. Ja. Whats your name? My names Brad. dein; Ihr 1 Thats great bag! (pp. 10–11) (det) address book (n) alarm clock (n) an (det) bag (n) bottle (of water) (n) /œ, / /dres bUk/ /lAm klÅk/ /œn, n/ /bœg/ /ÆbÅtl v wOt/ ein(e) Adressbuch Wecker ein(e) Tasche Flasche Wasser This is bottle of water. My address book has all the names and addresses of my friends. looked at the alarm clock – it was three oclock in the morning! This is an address book. Whats in Barbaras bag? Barbara has bottle of water in her bag. 2 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am boyfriend (n) calculator (n) Its called cat (n) chewing gum (n) comb (n) digital camera (n) English (n) family (n) favourite (adj) guess (v) great (adj) How do you spell it? ID card (n) in (prep) Irish (adj) key (n) look (v) mini-disc player (n) mother (n) now (adv) Oh OK (adj) packet (of tissues) (n) passport (n) pen (n) photo (n) photograph (n) present (n) Right! ( correct) (interj) rucksack (n) see. song (n) Sorry? Page 3 /bOIfrend/ /kœlkjleIt/ /Its kOld/ /kœt/ /tSuIN gøm/ /kUm/ /ÆdIdZItl kœmr/ /INglIS/ /fœmli/ /feIvrt/ /ges/ /greIt/ /haU d ju spel It/ /aI di kAd/ /In/ /aIrIS/ /ki/ /lUk/ /mIni dIsk pleI/ /møD/ /naU/ /U/ /U keI/ /ÆpœkIt (v tISuz)/ /pAspOt/ /pen/ /fUtU/ /fUtgrAf/ /preznt/ /raIt/ /røksœk/ /aI si/ /sÅN/ /sÅri/ Freund (Taschen)rechner Es heißt Katze Kaugummi Kamm Digitalkamera Englisch Familie Lieblingsraten großartig; toll Wie schreibt man das? Personalausweis in irisch Schlüssel sehen; schauen Discman; Mini-Disc-Player Mutter jetzt Ach ja OK Packung (Papiertaschentücher) (Reise)pass Stift; Kugelschreiber Foto; Aufnahme Foto(grafie); Aufnahme Geschenk Richtig!; Genau! Rucksack Verstehe! Lied Bitte? Is there photograph of Barbaras boyfriend in her bag? How much is £10 in euros? Use your calculator. Whats this in English? Its called wallet. Whats the name of Barbaras cat? Suzi. Do you like chewing gum? Do you have comb in your bag? You can take great photos with digital camera. Whats this in English? Its called wallet. Theres photo of Barbaras family in her wallet. This is my favourite bag. Yes, its great bag! Guess whats in my bag! Thats great bag! Oh yes! This is my favourite bag. How do you spell it? S-I-K-O-R-A. My names on my ID card. Whats in your bag? Mackenna is an Irish name. Have you got the key for the house? Look! My names on my ID card. listen to music on my mini-disc player. The watch is present from Barbaras mother. Now its my turn. Its an Irish name. Oh, see. Guess whats in my bag! OK. bottle of water? always have packet of tissues in my bag. English people dont have ID cards – they have passports. need pen to write down your phone number. Theres photo of Barbaras family in her wallet. Is there photograph of Barbaras boyfriend in her bag? Thats great watch! Its present from my mother. Guess whats in my bag. A bottle of water? Right! Barbara has bag and rucksack. Its an Irish name. I see. My mini-disc player has my favourite songs on it. Im Kieran Mackenna. Sorry? Kieran what? 3 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am spell (v) surname (n) that (det) things ( possessions) (n pl) this (det) ticket (n) Its my/your turn. umbrella (n) wallet (n) watch (n) What else? Page 4 /spel/ /s‰neIm/ /Dœt/ /TINz/ schreiben; buchstabieren Nachname; Familienname das Sachen How do you spell it? S-I-K-O-R-A. Barbaras surname is Sikora. Thats my rucksack over there. Are all your things in that bag? /DIs/ /tIkIt/ /Its maI/NO t‰n/ /ømbrel/ /wÅlIt/ /wÅtS/ /wÅt els/ das hier Fahrkarte Ich bin dran. Regenschirm Brieftasche Armbanduhr Was sonst? This is my favourite bag. bus ticket costs 75p. Now its my turn. Whats in your bag? You need an umbrella when it rains. Whats in Barbaras wallet? A photo of her family. My watch says 12.30 pm. What else is in your bag? A bottle of water and an address book. circa; ungefähr um Gebäude Schloss; Burg CD Mitte; Zentrum Stadt; Großstadt Kopien; Exemplare Disko(thek) Ägypten Entschuldigen Sie Film Griechenland hier halb (eins) Geschichte Wie alt? Indien wie zuhören Those walls are about 1,700 years old. The party is at quarter to seven. The castle is very old building. Where is the castle? In the centre of the city. Do you like to listen to CDs? Theyre in the centre of the city. York is very old city. These are copies of the programme for today. What time is the disco? Its at half past eight. The River Nile is in Egypt. Excuse me, Mr Dale, whens the welcome party? The film of Yorks history is at quarter past two. Athens is the capital of Greece. Were in the centre of the city, here. What time is lunch? Half past twelve. The film of Yorks history is at quarter past two. How old is the castle? 900 years old. Wheres the Taj Mahal? In India. think its 900 years old. Like Mr Dale! Listen, everyone, please! 2 Those are the city walls (pp. 12–13) about (prep) /ÆbaUt/ at (prep) /œt, t/ building (n) /bIldIN/ castle (n) /kAsl/ CD (n) /si di/ centre (n) /sent/ city (n) /sIti/ copy (n) /kÅpi/ disco (n) /dIskU/ Egypt (n) /idZIpt/ Excuse me . /Ikskjuz mi/ film (n) /fIlm/ Greece (n) /gris/ here (adv) /hI/ half past (two/three/four etc) /hAf pAst/ history (n) /hIstri/ How old? /haU Uld/ India (n) /Indi/ like (prep) /laIk/ listen (v) /lIsn/ 4 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 5 lunch (n) map (n) mountain (n) near (prep) next to (prep) oclock of (prep) old (adj) on (prep) our (poss adj) over there party (n) Peru (n) picture (n) please programme (n) quarter past (two/three/ four etc) quarter to (two/three/ four etc) really ( very) (adv) Right . ( OK) (interj) river (n) Sh! (interj) street (n) Thank you (very much). temple (n) the (det) these (det) think (v) those (det) today (adv) tonight (adv) /løntS/ /mœp/ /maUntIn/ /nI/ /neks t/ /klÅk/ /Åv, v/ /Uld/ /Ån/ /aU/ /ÆUv De/ /pAti/ /pru/ /pIktS/ /pliz/ /prUgrœm/ /kwOt pAst/ Mittagessen Karte Berg in der Nähe von neben (drei) Uhr von alt auf unser da drüben Party Peru Bild bitte Programm Viertel nach Lunch is at half past twelve. Where are we on the map? Machu Picchu is on mountain in Peru. The Taj Mahal is near Delhi. In the photo on p. 12 theyre standing next to the castle. The tour is at three oclock. At three oclock theres tour of the city walls. The city walls are really old. Where are we on the map? Here are maps of York for our visitors. Are those your friends over there? The party is at quarter to seven. The city of Machu Picchu is in Peru. Who are those people in that picture? Where are we on the map, please? Look at the programme! Theres disco at 8.30. What time is the film? Quarter past two. /kwOt tu/ Viertel vor The party is at quarter to seven. /rIli/ /raIt/ /rIv/ /S/ /strit/ /TœNk ju (veri møtS) /templ/ /D/, /Di/ /Diz/ /TINk/ /DUz/ /tdeI/ /tnaIt/ wirklich; sehr Also . Fluss Sch(t) Straße Vielen Dank. Tempel der, die, das diese (hier) denken; glauben diese (da) heute heute Abend The castle and the city walls are really old. Right, here are maps of York for our visitors. The famous river in Egypt is called the River Nile. Sh! cant hear. Those buildings in that street are very old. Heres copy of the programme. Thank you very much. The temple of Abu Simbel is 3,200 years old. Were in the centre of the city. These are copies of todays programme. think the castle is 900 years old. Are those your friends over there? These are copies of the programme for today. The disco is at half past eight tonight. 5 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am tour (n) visit (n) wall (n) welcome lunch/party (n) When? Wow! year (n) Page 6 /tU/ /vIzIt/ /wOl/ /welkm løntS/pAti/ /wen/ /waU/ /jI/ Rundgang; Rundfahrt Besuch; Besichtigung Mauer Begrüßungsessen/-party Wann? Hui! Jahr The tour of the city walls is at three oclock. The school visit is at five to two. How old are the city walls? What time is the welcome party? Quarter to seven. Whens the welcome lunch? At half past twelve. The city walls are about 1,700 years old. Wow! The Parthenon is 2,500 years old. April August hinten Geburtstag Bruder aber Kinder Vati; Papa Tochter Dezember Vater Februar Freundin Großvater Großmutter Großeltern Bitte schön. Ehemann Januar Juli Juni links; auf der linken Seite Lass uns mal . April is the fourth month of the year. Whats the eighth month of the year? August. Who are the two old people at the back? My grandparents. Its Barbaras mothers fortieth birthday today. Barbaras brother, Stefan, is on the right. But you arent in the picture. No – Im the family photographer! Their children are Barbara, Marta and Stefan. Dad is 42 and Mum is 40. Barbara and Marta are Renata and Romans daughters. December is the twelfth month of the year. Whos the man next to Marta? Is he your father? February is the second month of the year. Marta is Konrads girlfriend. My grandfathers name is Robert. My grandmothers name is Teresa. Barbaras grandparents are called Teresa and Robert. Lets see the photo. Ok – here you are. Roman is Renatas husband. The first month of the year is January. July is the seventh month of the year. The sixth month of the year is June. Wheres Barbaras sister? On the left. Barbara, lets see the photo of your family. Mann The man next to Marta is Barbaras father. 3 Is that your brother? (pp. 14–15) April (n) /eIprl/ August (n) /Ogst/ at the back /t D bœk/ birthday (n) /b‰TdeI/ brother (n) /brøD/ but (conj) /bøt, bt/ children (sing child) (n pl) /tSIldrn/(/tSaIld/) dad (n) /dœd/ daughter (n) /dOt/ December (n) /dIsemb/ father (n) /fAD/ February (n) /februri/ girlfriend (n) /g‰lfrend/ grandfather (n) /grœnfAD/ grandmother (n) /grœnmøD/ grandparent (n) /grœnpernt/ Here you are. /hI ju A/ husband (n) /høzbnd/ January (n) /dZœnjuri/ July (n) /dZlaI/ June (n) /dZun/ on the left /Ån D left/ lets (see/go etc) /lets si/ ( let us see/go etc) man (pl men) (n) /mœn/ (/men/) 6 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 7 March (n) /mAtS/ May (n) /meI/ month (n) /mønT/ mum (n) /møm/ November (n) /nUvemb/ October (n) /ÅktUb/ our (poss adj) /aU/ people (sing person) (n pl) /pipl/ (/pEsn/) photographer (n) /ftÅgrf/ pretty (adj) /prIti/ red (adj) /red/ on the right /Ån D raIt September /septemb/ sister (n) /sIst/ son (n) /søn/ T-shirt (n) /ti S‰t/ their (poss adj) /De/ very (adv) /veri/ wife (pl wives) (n) /waIf/ (/waIvz/) Whats the third month of the year? March. März May is the fifth month of the year. Mai January is the first month of the year. Monat How old is your mum? Forty. Mutti; Mama November is the eleventh month of the year. November October is the tenth month of the year. Oktober Barbara is our daughter. unser(e) The two old people at the back are Barbaras grandparents. Leute; Personen Barbara is the family photographer! Fotograf Your mum is 40! Shes very pretty. hübsch Whos the boy in the red T-shirt? rot rechts; auf der rechten Seite Wheres Barbaras brother? On the right. September is the ninth month of the year. September Barbaras sister, Marta, is on the left. Schwester Who is the son of Roman and Renata? Sohn Martas boyfriend, Konrad, is in red T-shirt. T-Shirt Their children are called Barbara, Marta and Stefan. ihr(e) Kieran thinks that Barbaras mum is very pretty. sehr Teresa is Roberts wife. Ehefrau 4 Integrated Skills: Personal information (pp. 16–17) beautiful (adj) information (n) place (n) pronounce (v) singer (n) /bjutfl/ /InfmeISn/ /pleIs/ /prnaUns/ /sIN/ schön Information Ort aussprechen Sänger(in) Geneva is very beautiful city. Look at the information about Dominic and Sara on the Exchange Website. Acapulco, in Mexico, is great place. How do you pronounce F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y? Dominics favourite singer is Beyoncé. verkehrt herum beste(r) Freund(in) meinen; bedenten natürlich Some of the words in the Sketch on p. 18 are back to front. Whats the name of your best friend at school? dont understand. What does Lirpa mean? Where are you from? Here, of course! Inspiration Extra! (pp. 18–19) back to front best friend (n) mean (v) of course /bœk t frønt /best frend/ /min/ /v kOs/ 7 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 8 Culture: People Around the World (pp. 20–21) Australia Brazil capital (city) (n) China Chinese country (n) French German Germany Italian language (n) main (adj) million (n) music (n) Polish (n) population (n) Portuguese (n) Russia (n) Russian (n) Spain (n) Spanish (n) /ÅstreIli/ /brzIl/ /kœpItl/ /tSaIn/ /tSaIniz/ /køntri/ /frentS/ /dZ‰mn/ /dZ‰mni/ /Itœljn/ /lœNgwIdZ/ /meIn/ /mIljn/ /mjuzIk/ /pUlIS/ /pÅpjleISn/ /pOtSgiz/ /røS/ /røSn/ /speIn/ /spœnIS/ Australien Brasilien Hauptstadt China Chinesisch Land Französisch Deutsch Deutschland Italienisch Sprache HauptMillion Musik Polnisch Bevölkerung Portugiesisch Russland Russisch Spanien Spanisch The main language in Australia is English. The main language in Brazil is Portuguese. Whats the capital city of Poland? China has very big population. People in China speak Chinese. Listen to the information about the ten countries. Some people in Switzerland speak French. German is one of the main languages in Switzerland. Whats the capital of Germany? In what country do people speak Italian? What are the main languages in Switzerland? The main language in Brazil is Portuguese. The population of Australia is 20 million. What sort of music is popular in Spain? People in Poland speak Polish. What country has the biggest population? People in Brazil speak Portuguese. Moscow is the capital of Russia. The main language of Russia is Russian. The capital city of Spain is Madrid. In Spain people speak Spanish. böse; verärgert Batterie schwarz blond blau sich leihen Why is Amy angry with Kieran? Kierans mobile phone battery is flat. Sara has black hair. Amy and her two friends have long blonde hair. All three girls have blue tops. Rosie, can borrow your mobile? Yes, of course. Unit 2 1 Can have my phone back? (pp. 22–3) angry (adj) battery (n) black (adj) blonde (adj) blue (adj) borrow (v) /œNgri/ /bœtri/ /blœk/ /blÅnd/ /blu/ /bÅrU/ 8 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 9 brown (adj) can (v) cap (n) clothes (n pl) colour (n) come (v) eyes (n pl) flat (battery) (adj) good (adj) Goodbye! green (adj) grey (adj) hair (n) have sth back /braUn/ /kœn, kn/ /kœp/ /klUDz/ /køl/ /køm/ /aIz/ /flœt/ /gUd/ /gUdbaI/ /grin/ /greI/ /he/ /hœv bœk/ at home idea (n) jacket (n) jeans (n pl) long (adj) lucky (adj) mobile (phone) (n) over here pair of (jeans/trousers/shoes) (n) phone (n) pink (adj) pullover (n) purple (adj) red (adj) ring (v) shirt (n) shoes (n pl) /t hUm/ /aIdi/ /dZœkIt/ /dZinz/ /lÅN/ /løki/ /mUbaIl/ /ÆUv hI/ /pe v/ /fUn/ /pINk/ /pUlUv/ /p‰pl/ /red/ /rIN/ /S‰t/ /Suz/ braun können; dürfen Mütze Kleidung Farbe kommen Augen leer gut Auf Wiedersehen grün grau Haar(e) zurückhaben, zurückbekommen zu Hause Idee Jacke; Jackett Jeans lang Sie Glückspilz! Handy hierher eine Jeans; eine Hose; ein Paar Schuhe Telefon rosa Pullover violett; lila rot klingeln Hemd Schuhe Does Amy have brown top? No, its blue. Can borrow your mobile? Of course you can. The boy in the picture has baseball cap. What sort of clothes do you like? What colour are the girls tops? Amy, can you come over here? Ruby Raven has green eyes. Whats wrong with your mobile? The batterys flat. Is Mr Dale good teacher? Im not silly. Yes, you are. Goodbye! Do you have green eyes? Its not nice day – the sky is grey. What colour is Amys hair? Its blonde. Kieran, can have my phone back, please? Can borrow your phone? No, Im sorry, its at home. have an idea. Can borrow your mobile? The girl on the right in the picture has short black jacket. How many people in the photo on p. 22 have jeans? Do you prefer long or short hair? I have two brothers but no sisters. Lucky you! Rosie, can borrow your mobile? Amy, can you come over here? The boy in the middle of the picture has pair of jeans. Amy is the girl with the phone. Do you like pink clothes? Yes, do. The boy has black and white pullover. Grapes are purple or green. Kierans mum has short red hair. Amys mobile rings and she answers it. The girl on the left in the picture has white shirt. What colour are Rosies shoes? 9 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 10 short (adj) silly (adj) skirt (n) Thanks. top (n) trainers (n pl) trousers (n pl) What about ? /SOt/ /sIli/ /sk‰t/ /TœNks/ /tÅp/ /treInz/ /traUzz/ /wÅt ÆbaUt/ white (adj) wrong (adj) yellow (adj) /waIt/ /rÅN/ /jelU/ Brad Pitt has short blonde hair. Amy thinks Kieran is silly when he rings her. The girl on the right in the picture has short black skirt. Can borrow your phone? Yes, of course. Thanks. All three girls have blue tops. How many people in the photo on p. 22 have trainers? The girl on the left has pair of black trousers. I have one brother. What about your family? I have two sisters and one brother. Are the pages of the book black and white or colour? weiß nicht in Ordnung; was fehlt.? Whats wrong with your phone? The batterys flat. gelb The sun is yellow. kurz albern Rock Danke. Top Freizeit-; Sportschuhe Hose Wie ist es mit .? 2 can play the guitar (pp. 24–5) any (det) anything (pron) band (n) bed (n) behind (prep) button (n) cake (n) century (n) cook (v) dance (v) dark (adj) date (n) door (n) draw (v) Fantastic! (interj) find (v) guitar (n) hand (n) help (v) /eni/ /eniTIN/ /bœnd/ /bed/ /bIhaInd/ /bøtn/ /keIk/ /sentSri/ /kUk/ /dAns/ /dAk/ /deIt/ /dO/ /drO/ /fœntœstIk/ /faInd/ /gItA/ /hœnd/ /help/ irgendwelche irgendetwas Band Bett hinter Knopf Kuchen Jahrhundert kochen tanzen dunkel; finster Datum Tür zeichnen Fantastisch! finden Gitarre Hand helfen Have you any questions, Barbara? Can help you with anything? You play the guitar and sing – we can have two-girl band! Barbara is on the bed. The light switch is behind the door. Can you sew this button on my shirt, please? Its easy to make sandwich; its more difficult to make cake. Using search engine is life skill for the twenty-first century. Can you cook meal? Can you sing or dance? Its dark now. cant see. What date is it today? 22nd April. Wheres the light switch? Behind the door. Draw picture of your best friend. I can play the saxophone. Hows that? Fantastic! Barbara cant find the light switch. She can play the guitar and the piano. Can you walk on your hands? Can help you with anything? 10 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 11 horse (n) instrument (n) iron (v) joke (n) kilo(gram) (kg) (n) kilometre (km) (n) life (pl lives) (n) lift (v) light switch (n) lots of make (v) meal (n) metre (n) minute (n) Never mind /hOs/ /Instrmnt/ /aIn/ /dZUk/ /kilU/ (grœm)/ /kIlÅmIt/ /laIf/ (/laIvz/) /lIft/ /laIt swItS/ /lÅts v/ /meIk/ /mil/ /mit/ /mInIt/ /nev maInd/ Pferd Instrument bügeln Witz Kilo Kilometer Leben (hoch)heben Lichtschalter viele machen Essen; Mahlzeit Meter Minute Macht nichts! Oh dear other (adj) paint (v) piano (n) play (music) (v) programme (v) question (n) questionnaire (n) record (v) remember (v) ride (v) room (n) run (v) at the same time as sandwich (n) saxophone (n) search engine (n) /U dI/ /øD/ /peInt/ /pIœnU/ /pleI/ /prUgrœm/ /kwestSn/ /kwestSne/ /rIkOd/ /rImemb/ /raId/ /rum/ /røn/ /t D seIm taIm z/ /sœnwIdZ/ /sœksfUn/ /s‰tSendZIn/ Oje; Du liebe Zeit andere (an)streichen Klavier spielen programmieren Frage Fragebogen aufnehmen sich erinnern reiten Zimmer laufen gleichzeitig Sandwich Saxophon Suchmachine Can you ride horse? Can Barbara play an instrument? No, she cant. Can you iron this shirt, please? Can you tell jokes? Can you lift 20 kilos? can run kilometre in 5 minutes. If you can cook and iron shirts, you have two life skills! cant lift 20 kilos. Its silly, but cant find the light switch. We can sing in lots of languages – English, Polish, German Its easy to make sandwich! Can you cook meal? How many metres can you swim? Can you run kilometre in 5 minutes? I cant speak Polish or German. Never mind! can sing in Polish and you can sing in English. Oh dear, can speak French and Spanish but cant speak Polish or German. What other instruments can you play? Lets paint the walls red. Can you play the piano? Anita can play the guitar. Can you programme video recorder? Have you any questions? Yes, wheres the light switch? Please answer the questions in the questionnaire on p.25. Can you record music off the Web? Im sorry. cant remember your name. Can you ride horse? No, cant. Anita and Barbaras room is really nice. cant run kilometre in 5 minutes. Can you? She cant play the guitar and the piano at the same time as the sax! cheese sandwich, please. Anita is the girl with the saxophone. Use search engine to help you find information on the Internet. 11 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 12 send (v) sew (v) sing (v) skill (n) speak (v) swim (v) tell (a joke) (v) text message (n) underwater (adv) /send/ /sU/ /sIN/ /skIl/ /spik/ /swIm/ /tel/ /tekst ÆmesIdZ/ /øndwOt/ use (v) video recorder (n) walk (v) the Web (n) /juz/ /vIdIU rIÆkOd/ /wOk/ /D web/ Do you send lots of text messages? senden Can you sew this button on, please? nähen Barbara cant play an instrument but she can sing. singen How many of the twenty-first century life skills do you have? Fertigkeit; Fähigkeit What languages do you speak? sprechen Can you swim? Yes, can. schwimmen Can you tell jokes? erzählen Do you send lots of text messages? SMS-Nachricht Can you swim underwater? No, cant. unter Wasser benutzen; verwenden; mit Can you use search engine? umgehen Do you have DVD or video recorder? Video-Recorder Can you walk on your hands? gehen Do you record music off the Web? das Internet 3 Dont move (pp. 26–7) area code (n) camera (n) camera phone (n) class (n) code (n) cool (adj) dial (v) easy (adj) enter (v) first (adv) forget (v) give (v) go (v) have go international (code) (n) keep (still) (v) late (adj) /eri kUd/ /kœmr/ /kœmr fUn/ /klAs/ /kUd/ /kul/ /daIl/ /izi/ /ent/ /f‰st/ /fget/ /gIv/ /gU/ /hœv gU/ /IntnœSnl/ /kip/ /leIt/ Vorwahl(nummer) Kamera Handy mit Kamera Klasse Vorwahl cool wählen leicht eingeben zuerst vergessen geben gehen es versuchen Auslandsvorwahl fest-, ruhig halten spät Dont dial the first number of the area code. Its camera phone – mobile phone with camera. Is your mobile camera phone? Dont use mobile phones in class. Whats the international code? Its 001. This is my new camera phone. Its really cool. Dont dial the first number of the area code. EZ is the text message abbreviation for easy. Enter the phone number of the person you want to send the picture to. First, dial the international code. Dont forget to enter the international code. Can you give me your number, please? Go to Menu and select Camera. Its really cool – can have go? The international code for the USA is 001. Keep the phone still and press OK. L8 is the text message abbreviation for late. 12 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am later (adj) love (n) love (v) Many thanks. menu (n) No problem. number (n) parent (n) phone (v) press (v) select (v) Send via multimedia. smile (v) someone (pron) take (a picture) (v) tomorrow (adv) too (as well) (adv) Page 13 /leIt/ /løv/ /løv/ /meni TœNks/ /menju/ /nU prÅblm/ /nømb/ /pernt/ /fUn/ /pres/ /sIlekt/ /send vaI møltimidi/ /smaIl/ /sømwøn/ /teIk/ /tmÅrU/ /tu/ später Liebe Grüße lieben Vielen Dank Menü Kein Problem Nummer Eltern anrufen drücken wählen Per Multimedia schicken lächeln jemand eine Aufnahme machen morgen auch See you later. Lots of love Anita. ILUVU is the text message abbreviation for I love you. Thats it! Many thanks, Steve! Go to Menu and select Camera. Many thanks, Steve. No problem. Now enter the phone number. Can you please phone your parents? Dont forget to phone your parents. To send the picture, press Select and Send. First, go to Menu and select Camera. Select Send via multimedia to send the picture to someone else. Smile, Steve! Dont move. Can send the picture to someone in the USA? Select Camera. Now you can take picture. 2MORO is the text message abbreviation for tomorrow. Dont forget to send the picture to Sara too. auch immer fragen; eine Frage stellen schließen Getränk; etwas zu trinken herunterladen Schlagzeug berühmt Auftritt; Konzert Wie viele? verlassen Mitglieder öffnen; aufmachen Pfefferminz-Bonbon Their website also has shop. Their clothes are always red and white. Can ask question, please? Please close the door. Can have drink of water? You can download videos from their website. Meg White plays the drums in the band The White Stripes. The White Stripes is the name of famous American sweet. There are videos of their gigs on the website. How many members are in the band? Can leave the room, please? How many members are there in the band? Its hot! Can open window? Peppermint sweets are often white with fresh strong taste. 4 Integrated Skills: Favourite band (pp. 28–9) also (adv) always (adv) ask (v) close (v) drink (n) download (v) drum(s) (n) famous (adj) gig (n) How many? leave (v) member (n) open (v) peppermint sweet (n) /OlsU/ /OlweIz/ /Ask/ /klUz/ /drINk/ /daUnlUd/ /drømz/ /feIms/ /gIg/ /haU meni/ /liv/ /memb/ /Upn/ /pepmInt swit/ 13 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 14 problem (n) reply (n) same (adj) /prÅblm/ /rIplaI/ /seIm/ Problem Antwort gleich shop (n) /SÅp/ site (n) sweet (n) toilet (n) video (n) website (n) /saIt/ /swit/ /tOIlt/ /vIdIU/ /websaIt/ The address of the site is: The White Stripes is the name of famous American peppermint sweet. Can go to the toilet? Download videos of their gigs from the website. Their website is and its really cool. window (n) /wIndU/ Laden; Verkaufsstelle; Einkaufswagen Internet-Adresse; URL; Website Bonbon Toilette Video Website; URL; InternetAdresse Fenster klein; ein wenig Wort Singers need little song. Read the puzzle on p. 30 and find the word. You cant burn CD on mobile. Can you call doctor, please? Can you use your mobile phone in the classroom? Whats your fathers job? Hes doctor. Each song has code number. Students text each other with the answers to the teachers questions! Phone calls from mobile can be expensive. How good are you? Fine, OK or Not sure? Do you think that in the future mobiles will check how you are and call doctor? You can have new ring tone so your phone is special. There are lists of songs in magazines. Make your mobile special with new ring tone. Students text each other with answers to the questions. Students cant have mobiles in UK school classrooms. Whats wrong with is an expression we use to ask about problem. Sure is word we use as reply to request. Jack and Meg have the same surname but theyre not brother and sister or husband and wife. Their website also has shop. Its hot. Lets open window. Inspiration Extra! (pp. 30–31) little (det) word (n) / lItl/ /w‰d/ Review Units 1–2 (pp. 32–3) burn (a CD) (v) call ( phone) (v) classroom (n) doctor (n) each (det) each other expensive (adj) fine (adj) (the) future (n) /b‰n/ /kOl/ /klAsrum/ /dÅkt/ /itS/ /itS øD/ /IkspensIv/ /faIn/ /D fjutS/ brennen anrufen Klassenzimmer Arzt jeder, -e; -es gegenseitig teuer fein; gut die Zukunft have (v) magazine (n) ring tone (n) text (v) (the) UK (n/adj) /hœv/ /mœgzin/ /rIN tUn/ /tekst/ /ju keI/ haben Zeitschrift; Magazin Klingelton SMS-Nachricht schicken das Vereinigte Königreich (Großbritannien) 14 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 15 Unit 3 1 really dont like octopus (pp. 34–5) banana (n) breakfast (n) carrot (n) cheese (n) chicken (n) chips (n pl) chocolate (n) cottage (n) cucumber (n) egg (n) everything (pron) except (prep) fish (n) flat (n) food (n) fresh (adj) garden (n) garlic (n) go away (phr v) hate (v) hope (v) house (n) ice cream (n) inside (adv) live (v) (food) menu (n) mushroom (n) octopus (n) /bnAn/ /brekfst/ /kœrt/ /tSiz/ /tSIkIn/ /tSIps/ /tSÅklt/ /kÅtIdZ/ /kjukømb/ /eg/ /evriTIN/ /Iksept/ /fIS/ /flœt/ /fud/ /freS/ /gAdn/ /gAlIk/ /gU weI/ /heIt/ /hUp/ /haUs/ /aIs krim/ /InsaId/ /lIv/ /menju/ /møSrUm/ /Åktps/ Banane Frühstück Karotte; Mohrrübe; Möhre Käse Huhn Pommes frites Schockolade Kotten; Häuschen Gurke Ei alles außer Fisch Wohnung Essen frisch Garten Knoblauch weggehen; abhauen hassen hoffen Haus Eis(krem) herein wohnen Speisekarte Pilz Tintenfisch banana is yellow fruit. Dominic likes fresh eggs for breakfast. carrot is an orange vegetable. cheese sandwich, please. We have chickens and we can have fresh eggs for breakfast! People eat lot of fish and chips in England. Do you like chocolate? I love it! I love your house. Its cottage, really. Its quite small. cucumber is long green vegetable that people eat in salads. Does Dominic like eggs? Yes, he does. I hope you like fish. I like everything except octopus. He likes everything except octopus. Does Dominic like fish? Yes, he loves it. Dominic and his friends live in flat in the city centre of Brussels. Whats your favourite food? You can have fresh eggs for breakfast! Great! like eggs. We live in flat – we dont have garden. Garlic looks bit like an onion and has strong taste. Amy, go away! Dont speak to me like that! Sometimes hate you, Kieran! Dominic, hope you like fish. cottage is type of small house. love ice cream! Come inside, everyone – supper is ready. Where do you live? In house near the centre of York. Dont worry. Octopus isnt on the menu! Mushrooms are small white, grey or brown vegetables. Octopuses are pink and live in the sea. People eat them as food. 15 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 16 orange (adj) ready (adj) small (adj) sometimes (adv) Stop it! supper (n) talk (v) tomato (n) want (v) Dont worry. /ÅrIndZ/ /redi/ /smOl/ /sømtaImz/ /stÅp It/ /søp/ /tOk/ /tmAtU/ /wÅnt/ /dUnt wøri/ orangefarben fertig klein manchmal Hört auf! Abendessen reden Tomate wollen Mach dir keine Sorgen. carrot is an orange vegetable. Come inside! Supper is ready. cottage is type of small house. Sometimes hate you, Kieran! Stop it, you two! Supper is ready. Come inside, everyone! Amy, go away! Dominic wants to talk to me. Tomatoes are round and red. People eat them in salads. He wants to talk to me. He doesnt want to see the chickens. Dont worry – octopus isnt on the menu! Aktivität nach Nachmittag Kunst Basketball vor glauben Pause weitermachen Informatik verschieden treiben; spielen Drama; Schauspielunterricht; Theaterwissenschaft Abend jeder, -e, -es Fußball Freitag von bis Spiel Geografie; Erdkunde After school we have lots of activities. We have lots of activities after school. Steve has French on Friday afternoon. When does Steve have art? On Monday and Thursday. Do you play basketball at break every day? Steve has Maths before lunch on Tuesday. I hate football. I dont believe you, Steve! We only have short break in the morning. Do you want to play? No, you carry on. Computer studies is on Tuesday from 10.05 to 11.10. Sara does lots of different sports. We do lots of different sports like basketball, tennis and volleyball. do drama every day in the school theatre. 2 Do you play games? (pp. 36–7) activity (n) after (prep) afternoon (n) art (n) basketball (n) before (prep) believe (v) break (n) carry on (phr v) computer studies (n) different (adj) do (sport) (v) drama (n) /œktIvIti/ /Aft/ /Aftnun/ /At/ /bAskItbOl/ /bIfO/ /bIliv/ /breIk/ /kœri Ån/ /kmpjut stødIz/ /dIfrnt/ /du/ /drAm/ evening (n) every (det) football (n) Friday (n) from (14.10) to (15.15) game (n) geography (n) /ivnIN/ /evri/ /fUtbOl/ /fraIdeI/ /frm, t/ /geIm/ /dZiÅgrfi/ watch TV in the evening. Do you go to school every day? No, not on Saturday or Sunday. Do girls play football at your school? Does Sara play volleyball on Friday? Yes, she does. On Wednesday and Thursday from 12.05 to 13.10 we have German. Sara doesnt play games in the morning. Geography is on Tuesday afternoon. 16 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 17 get up (phr v) goalkeeper (n) /get øp/ /gUlkip/ Great shot! history (n) kind (n) maths (n) Monday (n) morning (n) PE (physical education) (n) play (sport) (v) position (n) science (n) sport (n) subject (n) team (n) tennis (n) Thursday timetable (n) Tuesday under-16 (team) (adj) volleyball (n) Wednesday /greIt SÅt/ /hIstri/ /kaInd/ /mœTs/ /møndeI/ /mOnIN/ /pi i/ /pleI/ /pzISn/ /sAIns/ /spOt/ /søbdZIkt/ /tim/ /tenIs/ /T‰zdeI/ /taImteIbl/ /tSuzdeI/ /Æønd sIkstin/ /vÅlibOl/ /wenzdeI/ What time do you get up in the morning? At 6.45. The goalkeeper is the only person on football team who can touch the ball with their hands. Great shot, Carl! Thanks! Do you want to play? Toller Schuss! Steve has history from 11.30 to 12.05 on Wednesday. Geschichte What kind of activities do you do? Art, music, drama – all kinds of things. Art hate maths – dont like numbers! Mathe She plays basketball on Monday. Montag We only have short break in the morning. Morgen Sport; Leibesübungen;Turnen One of Saras favourite subjects is PE. Do you play basketball every day? Yes, we do. spielen What position do you play in the team? Goalkeeper. Position Steve has science on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Naturwissenschaften Tennis, football and basketball are different types of sport. Sport My favourite subjects are French and German – love languages. Fach Sara likes football – she plays for the girls team. Mannschaft Is tennis popular sport in your country? Tennis Sara plays tennis on Thursday. Donnerstag You can see Steves school timetable on p. 37. Stundenplan Do the boys play football on Tuesday? No, they dont. Dienstag U-16; unter sechzehn Jahren Sara plays for the girls under-16 football team. We sometimes play volleyball on the beach. Volleyball Does Sara play football on Wednesday? No, she doesnt, she plays on Mittwoch Tuesday. aufstehen Torwart 3 never lift weights (pp. 38–9) busy (adj) cinema (n) computer game (n) dance (n) dance routine (n) It depends. /bIzi/ /sInm/ /kmpjut geIm/ /dAns/ /dAns ruÆtin/ /It dIpendz/ voll belegt Kino Computerspiel Tanz Tanzform Es kommt darauf an. The gyms always busy in the afternoons. often go to the cinema on Friday. Computer games are very popular. Barbara always goes to the dance classes on Wednesday. We learn different dance routines like hip-hop and jive. What do you do at the gym? It depends, but usually start on the rowing machine. 17 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 18 early (adv) exercise bike (n) fun (n) get on (phr v) go dancing go running go shopping go swimming go to bed gym (n) /‰li/ /ekssaIz baIk/ /føn/ /get Ån/ /gU dAnsIN/ /gU rønIN/ /gU SÅpIN/ /gU swImIN/ /gU t bed/ /dZIm/ früh(zeitig) Trainingsrad Spaß steigen auf tanzen gehen joggen gehen einkaufen gehen schwimmen gehen ins Bett gehen Fitness-Center; Turnhalle How often? jive (n) learn (v) lift (v) never (adv) night (n) often (adv) only (adv) rowing machine (n) running (n) running machine (n) sound (v) start (v) /haU Åfn/ /dZaIv/ /l‰n/ /lIft/ /nev/ /naIt/ /Åfn/ /Unli/ /rUIN mÆSin/ /rønIN/ /rønIN mÆSin/ /saUnd/ /stAt/ Wie oft? Jive; Swing lernen heben nie(mals) Nacht oft nur Rudermaschine Laufen Laufmaschine Das klingt toll. anfangen stay (v) survey (n) swimming (n) swimming pool (n) teenager (n) tennis court (n) training session (n) TV (television) (n) /steI/ /s‰veI/ /swImIN/ /swImIN pul/ /tineIdZ/ /tenIs kOt/ /treInIN seSn/ /ti vi/ bleiben; übernachten Umfrage Schwimmen Schwimmbecken Teenager; Jugendliche(r) Tennisplatz Training (szeit; -sstunde) Fernsehen always go to bed early on Sundays. Anita starts on the running machine then gets on the exercise bike. The training session for teenagers is usually great fun. After the running machine Anita gets on the exercise bike. Barbara goes dancing at the gym on Wednesday. He goes running in the park every evening after school. go shopping on Saturday with my brother. How often do you go swimming? Every Tuesday evening. What time do you go to bed? Its fantastic gym, with exercise machines, rowing machines and running machines. This is fantastic gym. How often do you come here? Hip-hop and jive are different types of dance routine. We learn different dance routines like hip-hop and jive. Im only 14 – never lift weights. Anita never lifts weights – shes too young. Do you sometimes stay the night at friends house? Barbara often goes to the gym before school. Weights are for over 16 year-olds – Im only 14. Barbara usually starts on the rowing machine. Running is good form of exercise. Do you always start on the running machine? Yes, do. We learn hip-hop and jive. That sounds great. Anita starts on the running machine and Barbara starts on the rowing machine. On Saturday sometimes stay the night at friends house. Use your answers from the Lifestyle Survey to write an email to friend. like swimming – its good form of exercise. Theres big swimming pool at the gym. Teenagers are between 13 and 19 years old. Our school has six tennis courts. The training session for teenagers is from four to five oclock every day. never watch TV all day. 18 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am usually (adv) watch (v) weekend (n) weights (n pl) Why not? Page 19 /juZUli/ /wÅtS/ /wikend/ /weIts/ /waI nÅt/ gewöhnlich (zu)schauen; (fernsehen) Wochenende Gewichte Warum nicht? Anita usually goes to the gym on Monday after school. He sometimes watches TV in the evening. Do you go to the gym at weekends, Anita? Sometimes. Weights are for over 16 year-olds. I never lift weights. Why not? Im only 14. 4 Integrated Skills: Personal Profiles (pp. 40–41) animal (n) badminton (n) beach (n) born (adj) buy (v) champion (n) dog (n) eat (v) film star (n) hear (v) holiday(s) (n) hour (n) Italy (n) Japanese (adj) letter (n) look like movie (n) penfriend (n) popular (adj) practise (v) regular (adj) rock (music) (n) routine (n) seaside (n) soon (adv) squash (n) /œnIml/ /bœdmIntn/ /bitS/ /bOn/ /baI/ /tSœmpin/ /dÅg/ /it/ /fIlm stA/ /nI/ /hÅlIdeIz/ /aU/ /Itli/ /dZœpniz/ /let/ /lUk laIk/ /muvi/ /penfrend/ /pÅpjl/ /prœktIs/ /regjl/ /rÅk/ /rutin/ /sisaId/ /sun/ /skwÅS/ Tier Federball; Badminton Strand geboren kaufen Meister Hund essen Filmstar hören Urlaub; Ferien Stunde Italien japanisch Brief aussehen Spielfilm Brieffreund(in) beliebt üben regelmäßig Rockmusik Routine (ans) Meer bald Squash Kim Clijsters loves animals and has dog called Beauty. Kim also plays squash, badminton and football. She often goes to the beach and does water sports. Kim was born on 8th June 1983. Kim often buys bags when she goes shopping. Shes an international tennis champion from Belgium. Her dog is called Beauty. She eats the same food every day. Brad Pitt and Nicolas Cage are famous film stars. Write and tell me about your life. hope to hear from you soon. Every winter Kim has holiday in the mountains. She practises tennis three hours day. Every August he goes to Italy with his parents for holiday. Does she like Japanese food? Yes, she loves it! Read the letter from Steve to his new penfriend. What does Kim look like? She has long blonde hair and brown eyes. What are her favourite movies? Hurricane and Gladiator. Steve and Maria are penfriends. Kim Clijsters is very popular tennis champion. practise tennis three hours day and also go to the gym. Its important for her to have regular routine. listen to music with my friends – we like rock and hip-hop. She has regular routine at tournaments. Steve and his friends often go to the seaside in the summer. hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Steve Winter. Kim also plays squash, badminton and football. 19 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am summer (n) training day (n) weekday (n) winter (n) world (n) write (v) Page 20 /søm/ /treInIN deI/ /wikdeI/ /wInt/ /w‰ld/ /raIt/ Sommer Trainingstag Wochentag Winter Welt schreiben She often goes to the beach in summer. On training days Kim practises tennis three hours day. On weekdays Steve gets up at 7.30. Every winter she has holiday in the mountains. Shes an international tennis champion who plays tennis all over the world. Please write and tell me all about your life. Nachtarbeiter schlafen arbeiten Im night-worker – work all night and sleep all day. sleep for eight hours every night. Night-workers work all night and sleep all day. Inspiration Extra! (pp. 42–3) night-worker (n) sleep (v) work (v) /naIt w‰k/ /slip/ /w‰k/ Culture: Take two teenagers north and south (pp. 44–5) am (in the morning) boring (adj) bus (n) car (n) catch (a bus) (v) dinner (n) drive (v) east (n) end (v) fruit (n) go rollerblading go skating gymnastics (n) homework (n) long (adj) meat (n) noon (n) north (n) pancake (n) pm (in the afternoon/ evening) /eI em/ /bOrIN/ /bøs/ /kA/ /kœtS/ /dIn/ /draIv/ /ist/ /end/ /frut/ /gU rUlbleIdIN/ /gU skeItIN/ /dZImnœstIks/ /hUmw‰k/ /lÅN/ /mit/ /nun/ /nOT/ /pœnkeIk/ /pi em/ in der Früh; morgens langweilig Bus Auto; Wagen nehmen (Bus) (Mittag)essen fahren Osten enden Obst Skaten gehen Schlittschuhlaufen gehen Turnen Hausaufgaben lang Fleisch Mittag Norden Pfannkuchen nachmittags/abends Marcelo gets up at 5.30 am. dont like school – think its boring. catch the bus to school. Natalyas family dont have car. He catches bus to school at 6.30 am. After school go home for dinner. We often drive to the beach at weekends. São Paolo is in the south-east of Brazil. What time does school end? At 2 pm. In Brazil people eat lots of fruit. Natalya goes rollerblading in her free time. She plays tennis in the summer and goes skating in the winter. Gymnastics is another word for PE. After lunch Marcelo does his homework. Our lessons are 40 minutes long. For lunch we usually have meat with rice. School starts at 7 am and ends at 12 noon. Manchester is in the north of England. Blinis are pancakes with fish and sour cream. She goes to bed at 11 pm. 20 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am R&B (Rhythm Blues) (n) rice (n) sea (n) shorts (n pl) snack (n) soup (n) sour cream (n) south (n) study (v) sweatshirt (n) uniform (n) west (n) Page 21 /ÆAr n bi/ /raIs/ /si/ /SOts/ /snœk/ /sup/ /saU krim/ /saUT/ /stødi/ /swetS‰t/ /junIfOm/ /west/ R&B (Musikstil) Reis Meer Shorts; kurze Hose Imbiss Suppe saure Sahne Süden lernen; studieren Sweatshirt Uniform Westen My favourite music is R&B. Marcelo usually has meat with rice for lunch. We go to the Black Sea for our summer holiday. We wear uniform – T-shirts with trousers or shorts. We have 30-minute break and buy snack. Natalyas family usually have soup for lunch. Russian pancakes with fish and sour cream are called blinis. Malaga is in the south of Spain. Marcelo studies three languages – Portuguese, English and Spanish. She wears jeans with sweatshirt or pullover to school. Does Natalya wear school uniform? No, she doesnt. St Petersburg is in the west of Russia. Unit 4 21 1 How many ghosts are there? (pp. 46–7) attraction (n) between (prep) bicycle (n) blinds (n pl) board (n) café (n) cassette player (n) cathedral (n) chair (n) computer (n) desk (n) enjoy (v) /trœkSn/ /bItwin/ /baIsIkl/ /blandz/ /bOd/ /kœfeI/ /kset pleI/ /kTidrl/ /tSe/ /kmpjut/ /desk/ /IndZOI/ European (adj) find out (phr v) /jUrpin/ /faInd aUt/ Attraktion zwischen Fahrrad Jalousien Tafel Café Kassettenrecorder Kathedrale Stuhl Computer Schreibtisch genießen; an etwas Spaß haben europäisch herausfinden York Minster and the Jorvik Centre are two of the citys famous attractions. The city of York is halfway between London and Edinburgh. There arent any bicycles in the photo of York on p. 46. Blinds cover all the windows in our classroom. Ask your teacher to write the word on the board. Lets have drink at the café. You play cassettes on cassette player. The name of the citys beautiful cathedral is York Minster. Are there enough chairs for everyone? Is there computer in your classroom? Each student has desk and chair. Enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of Viking York at the Jorvik Centre. York has more ghosts than any other European city! How many ghosts are there? Go on ghost walk and find out! 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 22 flower (n) full (of) (adj) ghost (n) halfway (adv) hotel (n) including (prep) /flaU/ /fUl/ /gUst/ /hAfweI/ /hUtel/ /InkludIN/ lights (n pl) modern (adj) museum (n) one (pron) over (more than) (prep) part ( section) (n) railway (n) restaurant (n) Roman (adj) Roman (n) Scandinavia (n) /laIts/ /mÅdn/ /mjuzim/ /wøn/ /Uv/ /pAt/ /reIlweI/ /restrÅnt/ /rUmn/ /rUmn/ /skœndIneIvi/ sight (n) smell (n) sound (n) sports centre (n) than (more than) (prep) tourist (n) train (n) travel (v) tree (n) under (prep) view (n) Viking (adj) /saIt/ /smel/ /saUnd/ /spOts sent/ /Dœn, Dn/ /tUrIst/ /treIn/ /trœvl/ /tri/ /ønd/ /vju/ /vaIkIN/ Viking (n) /vaIkIN/ There are lots of beautiful flowers in the garden in summer. The city is full of Roman and Viking history. There are more ghosts in York than any other European city! York is halfway between London and Edinburgh. We want to stay for two nights at hotel in the city centre. There are lots of attractions, including the National Railway Museum and the Jorvik Centre. Its too dark. Where are the lights? Licht(er); Beleuchtung Lots of modern ‘Vikings, tourists from Scandinavia, visit the city! modern Do you think museums are boring? Museum How many ghosts are there? Are there any Roman ones? welcher, -e, -es York Minster is over 500 years old. über Under York Minster are parts of the Roman city. Teil Dont go to the Railway Museum if you think trains are boring! Eisenbahn If you get hungry there are lots of good restaurants. Restaurant There are parts of the Roman city under the cathedral. römisch Of course, there arent any Romans in York today! Römer Scandinavia consists of the countries of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Skandinavien Iceland. See the sights of Viking York at the Jorvik Centre! Sehenswürdigkeit Smell the smells of Viking York at the Jorvik Centre! Geruch Hear the sounds of Viking York at the Jorvik Centre! Klang; Geräusch How often do you go to the sports centre? Sportzentrum There are more ghosts in York than in any other European city. als Lots of Scandinavian tourists visit York. Tourist dont want to visit the National Railway Museum – think trains are boring! Zug At the Jorvik Centre you can travel back in time to 975 and Viking York. reisen Can you see any trees in the photos on p. 46? Baum Parts of the old Roman city are under the cathedral. unter From the city walls theres wonderful view of the city. Blick; Aussicht Wikinger-; der Wikinger(zeit) Visit the famous Jorvik Centre where you can travel back in time to Viking York. Wikinger There arent any Vikings in York today, of course! Blume voller Gespenst auf halbem Wege Hotel einschließlich 22 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 23 visit (v) wonderful (adj) /vIzIt/ /wøndfl/ besuchen wunderbar Come and visit York – its great city. Theres wonderful view of York from the city walls. The man isnt ghost. Hes an actor from the theatre. Look! Theres blood on his hands! Shes wearing blue jeans and carrying gold bag. Whos that man in the long black coat? Is he ghost? The mans face looks really white. Is he ghost? One of the students in the photo on pp. 6–7 is carrying gold bag. Who is she? The guide takes the group on ghost walk. The group can ask the guide questions. The man in the picture on p. 48 has blood on his hands! The man in the long black coat is holding piece of paper. This theatre has famous ghost called the Grey Lady. Anita is laughing at Steve because hes scared. The man in the black coat is an actor learning his lines. Is the man coming out of the theatre ghost? Were standing outside theatre with famous ghost called the Grey Lady. Hes holding piece of paper. Its raining. Im going home. Oh no! Hes walking this way. Steve, youre scared! This is silly. There arent any ghosts here. Where are the group standing? Outside the theatre. This theatre has famous ghost called the Grey Lady. Wait, look at that man! Is he ghost? Look! Hes walking this way. Oh no! Hes walking this way. The man coming out of the theatre is wearing long black coat. Whats the woman in picture doing? Shes playing the piano. 2 Hes wearing long black coat (pp. 48–9) actor (n) blood (n) carry (v) coat (n) face (n) gold (adj) /œkt/ /blød/ /kœri/ /kUt/ /feIs/ /gUld/ Schauspieler(in) Blut tragen Mantel Gesicht golden; goldfarben group (n) guide (n) hand (n) hold (v) lady (n) laugh (v) lines (n pl) out of outside (prep) paper (n) rain (v) scared (adj) silly (adj) stand (v) theatre (n) wait (v) walk (v) way (n) wear (v) woman (pl women) (n) /grup/ /gaId/ /hœnd/ /hUld/ /leIdi/ /lAf/ /lAInz/ /aUt v/ /aUtsaId/ /peIp/ /reIn/ /sked/ /sIli/ /stœnd/ /TIt/ /weIt/ /wOk/ /weI/ /we/ /wUmn/ /wImIn/ Gruppe Führer(in) Hand halten Lady; Dame lachen Rolle aus draußen vor; außerhalb Papier regnen Angst haben albern stehen Theater warten gehen; kommen in diese Richtung tragen Frau 23 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 24 3 Whats he doing? (pp. 50–51) arm (n) boat (n) clean (v) cook (v) ear (n) eye (n) finger (n) fisherman (n) foot (pl feet) (n) hair (n) have lunch head (n) hungry (adj) knee (n) knife (pl knives) (n) leg (n) meal (n) mouth (n) nose (n) open (adj) point (v) pull (v) rope (n) sell (v) smell (v) table (n) thumb (n) toe (n) tooth (pl teeth) (n) wash (v) /Am/ /bUt/ /klin/ /kUk/ /I/ /aI/ /fINg/ /fISmn/ /fUt/ (/fit/) /he/ /hœv løntS/ /hed/ /høNgri/ /ni/ /naIf/ (/naIvz/) /leg/ /mil/ /maUT/ /nUz/ /Upn/ /pOInt/ /pUl/ /rUp/ /sel/ /smel/ /teIbl/ /Tøm/ /tU/ /tuT/ (/tiT/) /wÅS/ Arm Boot putzen kochen; Essen zubereiten Ohr Auge Finger Fischer Fuß Haar(e) zu Mittag essen Kopf hungrig Knie Messer Bein Mahlzeit; Essen Mund Nase offen zeigen auf sziehen Seil; Tau verkaufen riechen Tisch Daumen Zeh; Zehe Zahn waschen The man in Picture has his arms on his knees. The boy with blonde hair is pulling boat. How often do you clean your teeth each day? group of people are cooking meal in Picture A. We use our ears to listen to sounds. We use our eyes to see things. We have four fingers and thumb on each hand. think the man with the knife and the fish is fisherman. Look at the boy with long blonde hair. There are chickens near his feet! Can you see the boy with long blonde hair in Picture B? have lunch at 1pm – usually meat with rice. The man in Picture doesnt have much hair on his head! Steve smells food and says hes hungry. What is the man with his arms on his knees doing? The man in Picture is holding knife in his right hand. We use our legs to walk and run. Theyre not eating. Theyre cooking meal. His mouth is open – is he speaking? We use our nose to smell things. Why is his mouth open? Is he spe