Arbeitsblatt: NSE 2 Unit 8 adapted lab tasks


Can be used without going to the lab. Picture needs to be added - see teacher's notes
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Marlen Hollenstein
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 8 adapted lab tasks a) 8b Asking questions beginning with Will. 1. Pete was at the sports centre yesterday. .tomorrow, too? 2. The children had swimming lesson yesterday. .tomorrow, too? 3. Pete was here yesterday. .tomorrow, too? 4. Mr and Mrs Brown were at home yesterday. .tomorrow, too? 5. Suzy saw Tom yesterday. .tomorrow, too? 6. was very busy yesterday. .tomorrow, too? b) 8c Answering questions about the future Wirst du? 1. Will you be there tomorrow? PROBABLY Yes, 2. Will you see him tomorrow? SURE No, 3. Will you arrive there before 6? SURE Yes, 4. Will you be Suzys party? MAYBE might 5. Will you buy it tomorrow? SURE Yes, 6. Will you be at home this evening? 7. Will you ask her tomorrow? SURE No, MAYBE might . 8. Will you finish it before the weekend? PROBABLY Yes, c) 8f Mixed tenses He lives in London. used to did he now ever He used to live in London. Did he use to live in London? Does he live in London now? Has he ever lived in London She works near here. used to did she now ever d) 8e Reported speech What did the policeman say to the driver? . What else did he tell her to do? . What did the doctor say to the man? . What else did she tell him to do? . What did the woman say to her son? . What else did she tell him to do? . What did the bank robber say to the cashier? . What else did he tell her to do? .