Arbeitsblatt: New Inspiration Unit 8 Linking words so, but, because or


Theorie Übung und Lösung
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Simon Randriamora
Land: andere Länder
Registriert vor 2006

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Theory: Linking words: so, or, because, and, but We use. and to connect two similar ideas Tomek really likes music and he loves hiphop. but to connect two contrasting ideas Ben was shivering, but he was laughing. or to connect two alternative ideas Will Simon tie Robbie up, or will Robbie escape? because to talk about reason or cause Ben wants to be pilot because he likes flying. so to talk about consequence or result Ben likes flying, so he wants to be pilot. Exercise: 1 Tomek really likes music he loves hiphop. We use to connect (verbinden) 2 Ben was shivering, he was laughing. We use to connect 3 Should take pizza cheeseburger? We use to connect 4 Ben wants to be pilot he likes flying. We use to talk about_ 5 Ben likes flying, he wants to be pilot. We use to talk about_ Solution: 1 Tomek really likes music and he loves hiphop. We use and to connect (verbinden) two similar (ähnliche) ideas 2 Ben was shivering, but he was laughing. We use but to connect two contrasting (gegensätzliche) ideas 3 Should take pizza or cheeseburger? We use or to connect two alternative (mögliche) ideas 4 Ben wants to be pilot because he likes flying. We use because to talk about reason (Grund) or cause (Ursache) 5 Ben likes flying, so he wants to be pilot. We use so to talk about consequence or result