Arbeitsblatt: Test NSE 2 U 5


Grammatik Test
9. Schuljahr
6 Seiten




Ursula Weiersmüller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test 5 name: A) Answer my questions in sentences! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) B) Dictation name: C) Write questions to find out the missing information! Margreth was born in Spain (1) years ago. Her mother and father only had about (2) Swiss francs in the bank when she was born. They had (3) children, and Margreth was the last one. Life was hard. Margreths mother worked (4) day for another family and earned (5) money. One day, after her homework, she had (6) time before dinner. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) D) Write questions with Why at the beginning! 1) My brother had to go to the office. 2) Tom and Marianne would like to have dog. 3) Paticia ‘s learning English. 4) They were in London on their last holiday. 5) My parents have been to Los Angeles five times. 6) She given me my book back many times. name: E) Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense in the sentences. 1. Anna (go) to Brighton tomorrow. 2. She (look) forward to (see) her friends there 3. She (never be) to Brighton before. 4. She last (meet) them in London when they (be) there for the weekend. That (be) about two years ago. 5. When they (go) to London two years ago, they (must) travel by train because they (not have) car then. 6. They (want) to see musical when they (be) in London two years ago, but they (not can) get tickets. So they (must) see film. 7. Annas friends (buy) nice car about six months ago. 8. But Anna (not have got) car at the moment, so she (go) everywhere by train or bus. F) Martins journey to Brighton Write the story onto the separate sheet! Write about each picture! Test 5 name: A) Answer my questions in sentences! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) B) Dictation name: E) Write questions to find out the missing information! Margreth was born in Spain (1) years ago. Her mother and father only had about (2) Swiss francs in the bank when she was born. They had (3) children, and Margreth was the last one. Life was hard. Margreths mother worked (4) day for another family and earned (5) money. One day, after her homework, she had (6) time before dinner. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) F) Write questions with Why at the beginning! 1) My brother had to go to the office. 2) Tom and Marianne would like to have dog. 3) Paticia ‘s learning English. 4) They were in London on their last holiday. 5) My parents have been to Los Angeles five times. 6) She given me my book back many times. name: C) Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense in the sentences. 1. Anna (go) to Brighton tomorrow. 2. She (look) forward to (see) her friends there 3. She (never be) to Brighton before. 4. She last (meet) them in London when they (be) there for the weekend. That (be) about two years ago. 5. When they (go) to London two years ago, they (must) travel by train because they (not have) car then. 6. They (want) to see musical when they (be) in London two years ago, but they (not can) get tickets. So they (must) see film. 7. Annas friends (buy) nice car about six months ago. 8. But Anna (not have got) car at the moment, so she (go) everywhere by train or bus. D) Martins journey to Brighton Write the story onto the separate sheet! Write about each picture!