Arbeitsblatt: Reading the map


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Anderes Thema
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Chlini_89 (Spitzname)

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 2 „A town like mine Name Reading the map red: Im standing in front of the supermarket and turn right. Then turn once again right. walk past the roundabout. dont turn left and dont turn right. walk straight on. walk past the police station and then come to yellow building. Its on the left side. Where am I? green: Im standing in front of the butchers. turn left, walk few steps and then turn right and walk all the way down the next street. dont turn right and dont turn left. just walk straight on. come past the church and then come to long building. Where am I? blue: Im standing in front of the school. turn right, then left past the roundabout and then right again. walk straight on. go to the shop on the right side. Where am I?