Arbeitsblatt: Reading Comprehension Test


The Hound of the Baskervilles (grammar: Past)
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Huguette Meyer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Points: /47 Mark: THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES Read the story and answer the questions. 1. People in the story: Whos who? was the old owner of Baskerville Hall. He was dead. was cook. was Sherlock Holmes friend. was servant. was famous detective. was Sir Charles nephew./6 2. Who, or what are they? /3 3. Places in the story: What and where are they? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Baskerville Hall is Grimpen is Grimpen Moor is I22b Baker Street is Princetown is Dartmoor prison is 1 2 3 4 5 6 B D F big house on Dartmoor. town near Baskerville Hall. dangerous place near Grimpen. in Princetown. Sherlock Holmes house in London. village on Dartmoor./6 4. Right or wrong 1. Sir Henry escaped from Dartmoor Prison. 2. Seldon was Barrymores brother. 3. There was woman on Black Tor. 4. Holmes was in London now. 5. Sir Henry was dead. 6. Seldon had Barrymores jacket. 7. Sir Charles Baskerville was Sir Hugos grandfather. 8. Stapleton looked like Sir Hugo. 9. Stapleton killed Sir Charles. 10. Holmes and Watson went to London by train. 11. Sir Charles went to the Stapletons house. 12. Holmes and Watson stayed in Grimpen that night. /12 5. Finish the sentences. 1) Sir Charles Baskerville lived at 2) Barrymore found Sir Charles in the garden – he was. 3) Sir Henry Baskerville visited Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson in . 4) Watson and Sir Henry went to . 5) Watson walked to Grimpen and he met 6) At Stapletons house Watson met Stapeltons Beryl. 7) Seldon escaped from Prison. 8) Seldon was Mrs Barrymores 9) It was cold so she gave him Sir Henrys 10) The next day Watson went to Black Tor and met 11 Holmes and Watson heard terrible sound an they saw man on the ground – it was 12) Then Holmes and Watson found something out – Stapleton was Sir Henrys 13) That evening Holmes and Watson went to 14) Then they walked to the Stapletons 15) Stapleton opened 16) Suddenly the hound was behind 17) Holmes and Watson fired their 18) The hound was 19) They looked for Stapleton, but they only found his 20) He was gone ./20 some vocabulary: escape – fliehen; mist Nebel; owner – Besitzer; track – Weg;