Arbeitsblatt: Past simple


Past simpleund voc Unit 3 voices
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Cindy Thahabi
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English: 1. Oberstufe Grammar Unit 2 Name: 1. Translate. (_/4) Es war nicht extrem kalt. Ich würde lieber ohne dich gehen. Sie küssten einander. Er ist ziemlich cool. 2. Change the text from the present tense into the past tense. (_/3.5) Elvis Presley comes from very poor family. He is born on 8 January 1935 in Mississippi. Elvis loves music. He goes to church every Saturday and sings in the choir. With 13, his mother buys him guitar. In the same year they move to Memphis, Tennessee. 3. Complete the rest of the text with the past simple of these verbs. (_/11.5) be play become tell go 2x want not like record hear One day in 1954 he to recording studio called Sun Records. He to make record for his mothers birthday. The secretary at the studio Elvis and she her boss, Sam Phillips. Phillips Elvis manager and Elvis his first single – Thats All Right, Mama. When disc jockeys it on their radio stations, American teenager wild. Many American parents Elvis. He too sexy. In 1955 Elvis (appear) on TV in New York. The following year he (make) his first film Love Me Tender. In the next two years he (achieve) many hit records. Then in 1958 Elvis (join) the American army and (land) in Germany. When he (return) to the United States in the early 60s, pop music (be not) the same. British groups like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones (be) the new stars. He (die) of heart attack on 16 August 1977. 4. Write question in the past simple. (_/1) Total 20P.: gut ab 16 sehr gut ab 19 genügend ab 12