Arbeitsblatt: have .... has


Englisch Grammatik
6. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Gaby Senn
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Englisch Übungen zu „as as und „than. Direkt im Internet, unter dieser Website:superlatives/12.htm „Have to or „has to? They write test. She clean her desk. Ken and Liz learn English words. Andy help his brother. We do our homework. He write with pencil. feed the hamster. You take photos. Victoria read the newspaper. „dont have to or „doesnt have to? He work in the evening. We go shopping. The friends get up early. Mandy read the instructions. You do the project. play the guitar. They carry the buckets. Mum make sandwiches. Frank and Joel draw picture. So or in order to or in order not to? Hes staying on in America for nine more months that he can perfect his English. Hes staying on in America for nine more months perfect his English. We are going to leave by three oclock that we dont get stuck in the rush-hour traffic. We are going to leave by three oclock get stuck in the rush-hour traffic. pass the exam, we recommend you read through all your notes. Ill come early we can have good chat before Denise arrives. Ive bought video camera can film the children as they grow up. walked very slowly across the room with the drinks to spill them. went to school study. had to hack through the undergrowth first could cut the tree down. hat to hack through the undergrowth first cut the tree down.