Arbeitsblatt: Test unit 25


Prüfung unit 25
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Isabelle Matti
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test Unit 25 Name: Date: Points 1. Translate Plötzlich Künstler Sich verändern Geschichte Einsam Vergangenheit Geburtsort_ schon Schauspieler Armee_ Komponieren Politiker 2. Wirte suitable verbs in the pas simple into the gaps. Jim Blogg w lonely man, but his brother Tonyw. Tony l_ in nice house in London, andw for large newspaper. He s this work when he was young, only eighteen. At the first work w_ boring – he t to people on the telephone and he t letters. The he s_ with more interesting work. He often i famous people and a them questions about their jobs and their families. He sometimes v these people at home. Tony w_ very unhappy when his brother Jim d_ in 1962. They were good friends. 3. Write the given sentence in the negative form or as question. a) Charlie Chaplin acted in the theatre. - b) Sue and her family travelled by bus. ? c) Picasso painted houses. ?_ 4. Translate a) Hattest Du eine gute Zeit? b) Waren die Leute freundlich? c) Jemand brachte ihn um als er 46 war. 5. Write short text about Pablo Picasso by using the given words. Write in the past! Malaga Vigo father produce France change bull riding