Arbeitsblatt: Oral Test (Unit 19)


Einen Radioreport machen zu "Teenager and their problems".
Anderes Thema
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Denise Schneuwly
Eichenweg 23
3185 Schmitten
026 496 45 63
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English: Unit 19: Oral exam: Help me name: Teenager and their problems: radio report Situation: You work with another pupil (PA). You should put together radio report about Teenager and their problems. You have to prepare radio report about two problems and their solution. First one of you is the teenager who calls and has problem and the other one is the host (Moderator ). Then with the next problem you change. Go on like this. If you are the host, then you try to help with good advice. Task: Find name for your radio station and name for your report. You prepare 4 problems. Take notes. You also prepare the advices. Take notes! How does your report start? (Hello, explain what the show is about, tell the listeners that they should call!) Now you go through your show. (Exercise it) Speak it 23 times. Take dictaphone and record it. Now you make radio report with garage band. (Put in sounds and pictures) Time: 1 lesson preparation (Friday, 6th december) lesson training and recording (Wednesday or Thursday, 11th/12th december) 1 lesson recording and cutting (Friday, 12th december) Criteria Inhalt Namen Beginn des Reportes Guter Schluss Es werden 4 interessante Probleme (4 verschiedene Themen) vorgestellt. Es werden hilfreiche Tipps gegeben, die ausführlich genug sind. Sprache Du wendest die grammatikalischen Strukturen can/cant may/might/could must mustnt neednt should/shouldnt would korrekt an. (alle kommen 2x vor im ganzen Report) Du machst möglichst wenige Fehler. Du beteiligst dich lebendig am Gespräch, gehst auf vorher Gesagtes ein, in dem du Rückfragen stellst oder deine Meinung dazu sagst. (mindestens 4x) Radiosendung Du kannst dich in die Rolle hineinversetzen und spielst sie interessant. Der Radiobeitrag ist interessant gestaltet (Bilder, Toneffekte) Total Punkte: 28 Note: 2/ 4/ 4/ 7/ 2/ 4/ 2/ 1/ 2/ 28 Unterschrift: Bewertung: 6 28 – 27 4 18 – 15.5 5.5 26.5 – 24 3.5 15 – 13 5 23.5 – 21.5 3 12.5 – 10 4.5 21 – 18.5