Arbeitsblatt: Classroom language


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5. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




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Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Can go to the toilet? Can you say it again, please? Can you play it again, please? Can open window? Can close/ open the blinds? Can change seats? How should pronounce? How do you spell? How do you say . in English? How do you pronounce in English? When is the homework due? She/ he is not well today. Bless you! am sorry about that! Thank you very much! have no idea! didnt have time for my homework. dont know! dont understand the homework. dont understand/ dont know need some help! agree/ dont agree! Do you work with me? What does . mean? What do we have to do next? What did you write for number.? What is you answer for number? Who is going to begin? Whose turn is it? Is it my turn? Lets ask the teacher about this. You start. Lets start think we have finished. What should we do now? Is this right? Is this OK?