Arbeitsblatt: Repetition Unit 1-2 (Insp.2)


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7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Lukas Fähndrich
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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After hour 1 This These a) my book b) my pencils. c) your computer. d) their house. e) their houses. 2 Correct the sentences, if necessary. a) We meet each other on the corner. b) buy some newspapers in the newsagents. c) love meet people by the supermarket d) 3 Leylas or Leylas? a) books Martin b) pencils my parents c) videos I and you 4 present continuous or present simple? a) Present simple brauche ich, wenn . Signalwörter, die auf present simple hindeuten: b) Present continuous brauche ich, wenn Signalwörter, die auf present simple hindeuten: c) Do you like playing football No, d) Lukas (not talk) at the moment He is learning. Phrases Present simple (ohne sein; without be) play football dont play football. Do you play football? (mit sein, with be) am tall am not tall. Are you tall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Present continuous am playing football. am not playing football. Are you playing football? What are you playing? (mit Fragewort)