Arbeitsblatt: Prepositions for time data - Training 1


Einfügen der richtigen Präpositionen bei Zeitangaben
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Nadine Steuble
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Training 1: Prepositions for time data 1) Fill in the correct prepositions: a) the evening b) 7 oclock c) July d) 24 July 2010 e) 2010 f) Thursday g) Thursday afternoon h) 6.30 a.m. i) spring j) the weekend k) She was very happy (während) the concert. l) We are waiting (seit) 10 oclock. m) He met his friends (nach) school. n) Ive been reading (seit) one hour. o) You should learn (vor) an exam. 2) Underline the correct prepositions: My birthday was at in on Saturday. met all of my lovely friends at in on 9.30 at in on the morning. John didnt show up on time. We had to wait for him since for in 15 minutes. But he had great present with him: Tickets to Disney World where we all could go to at in for August! We went to coffee shop after before during he had given me his gift and stayed there since for in three hours.