Arbeitsblatt: Verb "to be"
Verb "to be"
Dokument für Schüler
1 Seiten
Schnyder Hans
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Verb: to be Infinitiv be Present am you are he, she, it is we are you are they are Present Perfect have been you have been he, she, it has been we have been you have been they have been Past was you were he, she, it was we were you were they were Past Perfect had been you had been he, she, it had been we had been you had been they had been Future simple will be you will be he, she, it will be we will be you will be they will be Future Perfect will have been you will have been he, she, it will have been we will have been you will have been they will have been Conditional would be you would be he, she, it would be we would be you would be they would be Conditional II would have been you would have been he, she, it would have been we would have been you would have been they would have been Participles Present part. being Past part. been