Arbeitsblatt: Reported speech


Weitere Übung zur indirekten Rede in Englisch mit backshift und Anpassung der Pronomen, jedoch ohne Zeit- und Ortsangaben
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Nadine Steuble
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Test preparation: Reported speech 4 Finish the sentences using reported speech. 1) My brother says: „I played soccer with my friends. My brother says that 2) She answers: „The Eiffel Tower was extremely crowded. She answered that 3) They told me: „Our new car is great. They told me that 4) He said: „Tom is singing in the garden. He said that 5) Claire replied: „I cant believe his story. Claire replied that 6) The kids told us: „The prince has followed the dragon. The kids told us that 7) The father explains to his daughter: „The rain fell down from the sky. The father explains to his daughter that 8) She said: „My brother will pass his exams. She said that 9) John exclaimed: „I can do it! John exclaimed that