Arbeitsblatt: Unit02 voc übung


Kreuzworträtsel zur Unit 2 des Lehrmittels Open World 1
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Flavia Aemisegger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Vocabulary Unit 2 – The skys the limit Across 1. Many people want to . in New York, but there arent enough flats. 3. When there is . of food, people wont have enough to eat. 7. Youre right. . with you. 8. . is very tall and narrow building. 11. In my ., that not good idea. 12. She was . to see an elephant in the city. 13. . is hard stone. 15. Steel and concrete are building 16. The . of computers has made lot of jobs easier. Down 1. . is kind of metal. 2. This building isnt beautiful; it 4. Cycling from Gossau to Paris is real 5. think yourre wrong. Im sorry to . with you. 6. An . designs buildings. 9. My father works in ., he constructs bridges and buildings. 10. Plants grow . towards the light. 14. Rorschach is not far from the . to Austria. 17. The speed . on our motorways is 120 kmh.