Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary-Test NI2, Unit 5, lesson 1 + 2


passend zu dem Voci New Inspiration 2, Unit 5, lesson 1 + 2
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




gini-wini (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Vocabulary Test U5, lesson 1 2 Name: Points: Date: 20 Mark: 1.) Complete the sentences with the word in brackets (in Klammern): a) Walk (entlang) Regents Canal and then walk (runter) to the Stand and turn right. b) This is (perfekt) holiday! c) The bird flapped its (Flügel, Mehrzahl!) and flew into the sky. d) (Natürlich)! e) (zählbar) noun has plural. f) Have you got any pizza without (Pilzen, Mehrzahl!)? g) She (eine Liste machen) of the things she wants to buy. h) You are (hoffnungslos)! i) am (am Verhungern)! j) An (unzählbar) noun has no plural. k) (Spinat) is vegetable with dark green leaves. l) (Ehrlich), you are hopeless. m) There is too much(Knoblauch) in this dish! n) Milk, butter and cheese are(Milchprodukte). o) (Annanas) is tropical fruit. p) love (gebratenes Ei)! q) Can have some (Schinken) on my pizza, please? r) (Kunde) buys things in shop. s) This is (vegetarisch) pizza. GOOD LUCK!