Arbeitsblatt: Inspiration Unit 4 Lesson 1


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11. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Luca Baitieri
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Fach Klasse Datum Zeit English 9h 20.01.2014 13:40 – 14:25 Thema/ Themata: Unit 4 TV soaps going to future: talking about future plans and intentions Lernziele: Students can talk about their customs watching TV soaps Students know how the going to future is build Students can use the going to future correctly for expressing their future plans and intentions Ablauf Was gemacht wird -Teacher welcomes class and starts with introducing the Topic TV soaps. Makes example of his own favourite soaps. -WarmerAsks students about the TV soaps they use to watch. Interview each other. Collect soaps on BB (All of us watch/None of us watch(es)) Opener Students look at the picture and say what they can see. Which things from the box are there? Listening: Students listen to the Presentation (2) and read. Then they try to guess what could happen next. Listen and check if they were right. Speaking 10: Students walk around and interview each other on their next holiday. One partner. Students report in class what their interview partner is going to do on his/her holiday. Grammer: Students start completing grammar ex. 4 5 Homework: Finish 4 5 SB WB p.40 ex. 1 2 Material pictures SF frontal PW/GW KW BB SB p.44 (1) SB p.44 (2) SB p.45 (10) BB phrases SB p.45 (4) (5) Zeit 13:40 13:50 KW KW 14:55 PW GW 14:05 IW 14:20