Arbeitsblatt: Reading U8 Inspiration 1


Reading U8 Inspiration 1
Lesen / Literatur
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Klingelingeling (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Thursday, 23rd of January 2014 English: Reading U8 Name: Max. points: 30 95% 6 28 87% 5.5 26 80% 5 24 70% 4.5 21 60% 4 18 Achieved points: 50% 3.5 15 40% 3 12 30% 2.5 9 20% 2 0.5 0% oder Betrug 1 0 Note: 1. Look at the sentences. Each one belongs to one of three stories. 15 The sentences are all in the correct order, but the three stories are mixed up. Decide which sentence of each paragraph belongs to which story (A, or C). .A.In 1944 Nicholas Allmade was in plane over Germany. .B.A man from New York went upstairs in the Empire State Building. .C.Thomas Root, pilot was on his way home in his small plane. .He had heart attack and became unconscious. .He jumped out of window on the 86th floor but he didnt die. .The German guns hit the plane. .The wind caught him and blew him through window on the 85 th floor. .He jumped out of the plane before it exploded. .The plane flew for 1000 miles and then crashed into the sea. .He landed in the NBC television studio in the middle of programme. .The crash woke him up. .He fell 5485m. He didnt have parachute. .He landed in some snow in forest. .He climbed out of the plane before it sank. .The TV presenter asked him: ‘What are you doing? .He swam away and helicopter rescued him. .He didnt break any bones. .He said: I changed my mind after jumped. Thursday, 23rd of January 2014 English: Reading U8 Name: Max. points: 24 95% 6 22 87% 5.5 20 80% 5 18.5 70% 4.5 16 60% 4 14 Achieved points: 50% 3.5 11.5 40% 3 9 30% 2.5 7 2 0.5 0% oder Betrug 1 0 Note: 2. Read the letters and messages and complete with the words and phrases: 15 some good CDs with you you and all the students Mandys visit to Norway 8pm to midnight on Friday call dear come with you food and drinks everyone please hi Saturday email 1 . Mr and Mrs Green, Thank you for looking after me. had great time in Oxford, but miss Mandy and miss your cooking! enjoyed staying . and Im looking forward to . Love to you all, Helga 2 Hi .! Can you . to our party on Saturday? Its at eight oclock at the International Student Centre. Weve got ., so just bring . 3 Jessica – tried to . you but you didnt answer. Please ring back. See you . 4 INVITATION . come to Magdas 18th birthday party On: . 12th July At: 74 York Road From: . 5 . Anna! Just short . to say Im home now. had good journey and its nice to see my family again. But miss .!