Arbeitsblatt: Unit 1 Test


Unit 1 Abschlusstest von messages 1
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Guido Ruettimann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

English Test Unit 1 name 1 Complete the sentences with He‘s, She‘s, His or Her. 1. Paul is my brother. fourteen. 2. Shes my sister. names Sue. 3. This is Kate. at university. 4. Jack lives in Exeter. English. 5. My friend Michael is twelve. address is 32 New Road, Exeter. /5 2 Put the words in the right order. 1 you are how 2 ‘table‘ what mean does 3 got bike a you have 4 from where you /are 5 your can dictionary use 6 are old you how 7 got Jack called a Ive brother /7 3 Fill in the missing words. Ive got little white cat. Shes Snowflake. My name is Tom. Im football, computers and animals.your teacher, if you dont know the answer. Thats Christmas cardmy uncle Steve. always to give my best! /5 4 Translate these sentences. 1. Können Sie mir helfen? 2. Kann ich bitte die Türe schliessen? 3. Schreibe einen Brief. 4. Ich verstehe das Wort nicht. 5. Wie bitte? Können Sie das nochmals sagen? 6. Kann ich bitte in dein Buch schauen? /12 5 Write five sentences about you. /10 6 Write the verbs under the pictures. 1._ 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. /8 GOOD LUCK The test was very easy points easy mark /47 ok average hard Signature very hard