Arbeitsblatt: Wörtertest Unit 1 und 2


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4. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Cärli (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test VocabularyTest Unit 1/2 17.1.2014 Name: Punkte:/26 Note: Durchschnitt: ). Unterschrift Eltern: 1. Spell these words correctly. oudl rmfa owfler restaisw rkad oolchs ocortd kael lod verri pils onwt ofts neamci rdah bkraey uchertb cheater urchch ticy 10 2. Vocabulary 1) My arm hurts. need some help. need . 2) Did you hear that noise? That was gun. Here is the . dont like it because its too . 3) want to eat some ; its pink and so sweet. Its also very 4) like the because it smells wonderful. 5) The chameleon has very long. 6) Put on the light. It is very here. 7) There is red truck in front of the . 8) Kirchberg is. 9) Miss Buchschacher is our. 10) like the smell of fresh bread. Im in front of the. 11) always want to know the newest things. Im good. 12) want to watch film. Shall we go to the ? 13) The works in my favourite restaurant. 14) want to have holidays. dont want to go to. 15) Words: need some sausages. go to the. reporter, shooting stand, tongue, butchers, loud, flower, waitress, candyfloss, cinema, fire station, sticky, bakery, doctor, teacher, village, school, dark 16