Arbeitsblatt: Lernkontrolle YW 2 unit 3


2 Aktivitäten als Lernkontrolle zu den Farben, Formen und Präpositionen - a receptive activity --> Zeichnungsdiktat - a productiv activity --> Bildbeschreibung mündlich
4. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Sabrina Ritz
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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ENFA: receptive and productive activity Topic: colours (Young World 2, unit 4) Receptive activity Objectives: 1. The student knows the English words for different colours (red, blue, yellow, green, grey, violet, orange) and they can understand them in sentences. 2. The student can understand simple words, which are used quite often. Task: Listen to the following sentences and colour the things below with the correct colour. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sentences: (The teacher reads every sentence slowly and only once. After every sentence there is little break to give the students time to colour the pictures.) 1. The cat is blue. 2. The door of the house is red and the window is yellow. The roof is green and the rest of the house is white. 3. The cake is violet. The candle on it is red and the flame is orange. 4. The car is grey. Points: For every correctly coloured thing the students get 1 point. 1. picture: 1p, 2. Picture: 4p, 3. Picture: 3p, 4. Picture: 1 point in total: 9 points Productive activity Objectives: 1. The student can tell the colour of different things in picture and make sentence with it. 2. The student uses at least 6 different colours. 3. The student pronounces the colours correctly. Task: Look at the picture. Choose 10 different things and describe in sentence, which colour they are. (picture can be in YoungWorld) Points: The students get 0.5 point for every correct colour they name and one more 0.5 point for the correct pronunciation.