Arbeitsblatt: Unit 0 und Unit 1 Young World 2


Test über die Unit 0 und die Unit 1 des Young Worlds 2
4. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Simone Pfarrwaller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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YOUNG WORLD 2 SAY IT IN ENGLISH UNIT 0 FIVE SENSATIONAL SENSES UNIT 1 Name:_ 7.11.2013 1.) What can say? Describe the situation. Write one sentence for each picture. Beschreibe in einem Satz, um welche Situation es sich bei jedem Bild handelt. /2 2.) Whats the answer? Wie lautet die Antwort? Verbinde die Antwort mit der passenden Frage. /2 Is this correct? In English thats pirate. Whats this in German? Yes, thats very good. Can you help me, please? Again? Well, ok, but hurry up! Whats Pirat in English? In German that means Papagei. Can go to the bathroom, please? Oh yes, of course. YOUNG WORLD 2 SAY IT IN ENGLISH UNIT 0 FIVE SENSATIONAL SENSES UNIT 1 3.) Who are you? /3 Stell dich in 3 unterschiedlichen Sätzen vor. Achte darauf, dass du jedes Wort (ausser das „I) möglichst nur einmal brauchst. 1. 2. 3. 4.) At the fair. What can you see? Was kannst du auf dem Bild sehen? /2 YOUNG WORLD 2 SAY IT IN ENGLISH UNIT 0 FIVE SENSATIONAL SENSES UNIT 1 5a.) At the fair. Complete the sentences. Vervollständige die Sätze. /4 John: love candyfloss because its so. Yummy! Mike: dont like it because it is so . John: like the shooting stand because it is . Ann: dont like the shooting stand because it is and very. Ann: love the merrygoround because like the music. Mike: dont like the merrygoround because its not . Its . Mike: like the roller coaster because its really. John: dont like that because it makes me feel sick. It goes up and up and up, much too up and then it goes down again. words: fast (2x) boring (2x) sweet high loud sticky fun 5b) Make 3 sentences about you – 2 positive and 1 negative sentence. /3 Was magst du? Was magst du nicht? Mache 3 eigene Sätze, welche auf dich zutreffen – 2 positive und 1 negativen Satz und schreibe sie auf. (dont) like feels hard, soft, loud, quiet, sweet, YOUNG WORLD 2 SAY IT IN ENGLISH UNIT 0 FIVE SENSATIONAL SENSES UNIT 1 because it sounds tastes looks smells salty, hot, cold, funny, boring, fast, slow,. Example: like meat because it tastes good. 1) 2) 3) 6a.) What can you see, hear, smell, taste and touch? /2 Match the picture with the correct word. Draw line. Ordne jedes Bild dem richtigen Wort zu. Zeichne eine Linie. hear smell taste touch see 6b) Finish the sentences. Beende die Sätze. /2 can see can hear YOUNG WORLD 2 SAY IT IN ENGLISH UNIT 0 FIVE SENSATIONAL SENSES UNIT 1 can smell can touch can taste loud music. my soft teddy bear. colourful balloons. yummy candyfloss. meat on the grill. 7) Read the text and answer the questions with yes or no. 1 Lies den Text und antworte mit Ja oder Nein. 1. Do owls have very good eyes? YOUNG WORLD 2 SAY IT IN ENGLISH UNIT 0 FIVE SENSATIONAL SENSES UNIT 1 2. Can an owl hear mouse under the ground? 3. Can an owl hear exactly where sound comes from? Good luck! Punkte:/_ Note: Unterschrift: