Arbeitsblatt: Words Test U 3Topdeck 2


6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Ursula Weiersmüller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

1. Translate the following words! (20pts) 1.Grabstätte_2.nass_ 3.überzeugen._ 4.winzig 5.wiegen/wog_6.Schatz 7.Treppenhaus 8.Entdeckung_ 9.Blütenblatt 10.Räuber_ 11.fruchtbar_ 12.Armband_ 13.Ratschlag_14.unterstützen 15.beerdigen 16.Ernte 17.ausgraben von_ Namen 19.ganz alleine 20.regieren_ 2. Put the words in the correct order! (6pts) 1. him once But Carter convinced again 2. Lord Carnavon very was disappointed 3. with were There flowers petals even 4. But door Carter second found 5. more He want to did money pay not 6. born BC Tutankhamun 1342 was in 3. Complete the sentences (6pts) 1. Tutankhamun was the of Egypt until he was 18. 2. We know about him because Howard Carter found his tomb. 3. Carter thought thewas in the Valley of the Kings 4. Lord Carnavon was because Carter didnt find the tomb. 5. But Carter him to pay more money. 6. They some more and found door. 4. Complete the questions! (6pts) 1. Tutankhamuns father? 2. Howard Carter ask for money? 3. Tutankhamuns tomb? 4. did Carter spend in the Valley of the Kings? 5. the worker find in the rock? 6. Lord Carnavon arrive in Egypt? What is my name?