Arbeitsblatt: Food around the world


Food around the world Inspiration 1 Unit 7 (a writing)
8. Schuljahr
13 Seiten




Barbara Steffen

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Food around the world (p.92/93sb) • Look at the p.92/93, complete the tasks (if not completed yet). • Choose on of the pictures and glue it (with this instruction sheet) in your English notebook. • Nr 5: Think about what you and your family eat in week. Write text comparing your weeks food with the family in the picture. • Write 150-180 words. • Reread the text with another students from the class, discuss and correct mistakes. • Hand the text in. Food around the world (p.92/93sb) • Look at the p.92/93, complete the tasks (if not completed yet). • Choose on of the pictures and glue it (with this instruction sheet) in your English notebook. • Nr 5: Think about what you and your family eat in week. Write text comparing your weeks food with the family in the picture. • Write 150-180 words. • Reread the text with another students from the class, discuss and correct mistakes. • Hand the text in. Food around the world (p.92/93sb) • Look at the p.92/93, complete the tasks (if not completed yet). • Choose on of the pictures and glue it (with this instruction sheet) in your English notebook. • Nr 5: Think about what you and your family eat in week. Write text comparing your weeks food with the family in the picture. • Write 150-180 words. • Reread the text with another students from the class, discuss and correct mistakes. • Hand the text in.