Arbeitsblatt: Open World 2+ unit 12


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8. Schuljahr
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Unit 12 Factories and fortunes 01. The pupils quickly around the teacher. 02. He sad when they moved away. 03. Could you our cat while were away, please? 04. He knocked and the teachers room. 05. Oh dear! hadnt noticed that shirt was. 06. Would you ever to do bungee jump? 07. The young girl her mother. 08. Our class of ten boys and twelves girls. 09. The filled in form and asked the lady to sign it. 10. Please but the fruit in that over there. 11. My uncle had when he was young. 12. The main oft he story takes place in London. 13. Many lived in terrible conditions. 14. The lasted from 1837 until 1901. 15. How many women at your school 16. Be careful! The will be hot! 17. Their was known for her great kindness. 18. The looked beautiful at the ball. 19. Many streets in Edinburgh are dark and. 20. In the summer holidays want to earn some. 21. Steel is very strong . 22. Their have improved lot. 23. That belongs to my family. 24. There have always been in our family. 25. The had to close down last year. 26. dont much from my part-time job. 27. Cancer is that is often hard to treat. 28. Tourist love Scotland for its beautiful. 29. Our neighbour used to work in mine. 30. My father of team at his work. 31. cant to replace my old bike. 32. That was good meal. My has gone now 33. cant concentrate when Im. 34. Please dont . Were busy 35. Apple pie is of dessert. 36. Could you also buy of bread, please 37. In the story, Oliver was in dark room. 38. Their was cruel and mean. 39. ‚Oliver Twist‘ is the title of famous . 40. My grandfather used to smoke . 41. Im sorry I broke when was washing up. 42. My grandmother her mirrors until they shine. 43. Put all the vegetables in and cook them slowly. 44. My little sister writes diary. 45. Lets go out while the sun is still . 46. Shes just told me shes at home. 47. What are we having for tonight? 48. They caught the but they never found the gold. 49. so can see your face. 50. In his stories its possible to . 51. In Britain most pupils have to wear. 52. What? Youve read the story already? 53. My friend at me to tell me he touht so too. 54. were not good place for childern. 55. Titus Salt was very successful . 56. Is there of the hotel in that brochure 57. Their firm has 50. 58.Theyre lucky – their is very kind man. 59. Shes tall and slim. 60. He made his in the wool industry. 61. can smell . Did you turn the cooker off properly? 62. The queen the carriage and smiled. 63. My aunt came out of the two days ago. 64. Go to the of Cambridge Street and Bath Street. 65. Some things in life depend on. 66. They used to make cotton at the mear my home. 67. Shall we have picnic in the at the weekend? 68. Theres from their house to those fields. 69. your pen on the desk when the test is over. 70. Theyre cleaning the river because it is. 71. Titus Salt made sure that the houses in Saltaire had. 72. Where theres, theres fire. 73. My uncle owns business. 74. found all the questions number 4 quite easy. 75. There was lot of in the cellar until we cleaned it.