Arbeitsblatt: Open World 2+ unit 13


Voca Sätze
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 13 Tuning in 01. The on the roof is broken. 02. well be finished by 10. Ist hat right? 03. Dont be so! Youre always telling me what to do! 04. We want to get new . 05. hope you realise the of your actions. 06. Mermaids are mythical that live in the sea. 07. The workers pay rise from the boss. 08. Her is always neat and tidy. 09. Its that helps you find your way. 10. Hes computer fan; his room is full of equipment. 11. ypur password and then choose ‚Options‘. 12. The bomb in quit area oft city. 13. Shes not robot. Shes being! 14. Turn the clockwise to switch the oven on. 15. My sister hates that dont work. 16. This necklace is of silber. 17. My hurts after looking up the screen for so long. 18. My father shares an with two colleagues. 19. Hes man with lots of money. 20. My grandparents went on holiday to Greece. 21. Is that packing 22. would love have to do the housework. 23. Im more interested in than in history. 24. Do you like to read ? 25. How big ist the of your computer? 26. For my birthday got necklace. 27. Did you know that the earth is fast 28. When do you your new job? 29. My uncle knows all about . 30. the knob to start the machine. 31. They gave me some advice fo my project. 32. Dont touch that It could be dangerous. 33. communication is very practical. 34. Mobile phones make very easy. 35. Just call me if there is an. 36. The professor is working hatd on new. 37. Oh dear! Ive left my at home. 38. always listen to the in the car. 39. didnt think the ending oft he film was very. 40. This electronic device is very. 41. His idea was. Its no wonder it didnt work. 42. The ist he front of ship. 43. When he saw the fire, he at once. 44. The told the passengers to stay calm. 45. Please my instructions carefully. 46. told him to stop but he just. 47. Be careful you dont with that other bike. 48. There was big on the motorway this morning. 49. Oh dear! Theres in my new shirt. 50. Being must be really interesting. 51. We live in house with big garden. 52. How many were on that ship? 53. The was long and comlicated operation. 54. Firemen had to that cat from the tree. 55. The received medal for his bravery. 56. The ship signal that everything was okey. 57. My grandmother has just learnt to write. 58. Drinking tea is of the english. 59. My aunt writes and childrens books. 60. really want to my French. 61. At the end of the story the hero the princess. 62. My mum going into town but was busy.