Arbeitsblatt: Vocitest NEW Inspiration 2 Unit 5 / Lesson 2


Voci-Test zu New Inspiration 2 Lesson 5 / 2 Food
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Nadine Wegmann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Vocabulary test Inspiration 2 Unit 5/2 date: name: score: mark: parents‘ signature: out of 42 factor: 0.5 Food 14 a) What can you see? Write down the nouns. (8) b) Write down three more vegetables and three more fruit. (6) vegetables:,, fruit:, , Translate German Milchprodukt ehrlich eine Liste machen eine Mahlzeit bestellen unzählbar 12 English vegetarisch verhungern Fleisch hoffnungslos zählbar Kunde natürlich Sentences 10 a) Fill in suitable word into the gaps. 1 is vegetable with dark green leaves. 2, youre hopeless! 3 Milk, butter and cheese are produce. 4 This is pizza – it has tomatoes, olives and mushrooms. 5 is tropical fruit. 6 She made of the things to take with her. 7 buys things in shop. 8 noun has plural. 9 Can have glass of water? , coming right up! 10 Im vegetarian so dont eat. Definitions: Find the correct word 1 very hungry 6p 2 you order meal from this person 3 something you drink from 4 opposite of lend 5 something cooked in pan with oil or butter 6 list of the food you can order in restaurant