Arbeitsblatt: Reading Diary


Zum Einrichten eines Lesetagebuches für Native Speakers im Englischunterricht
Gemischte Themen
2 Seiten




Miss Splendid (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Ideas for reading Find 5-10 new words. Look them up on the internet (leo) or in dictionary. Copy them into your Reading diary and write the German word next to it. Draw something that happened in your book. Write summary of 3-4 sentences of chapter. Read one chapter to your parents/or someone else. Write down 3 questions to one chapter. Ask them to your partner. Write about one character of your story. What qualities does he/she have? Find out something about the author (3-4 sentences). Have you already read other books of him/her? Copy 5 sentences in your Reading diary, use your best handwriting! Why did you choose this book? (3-4 sentences) What about the pictures/illustrations? What do/dont you like about them? (3-4 sentences). Write down 5 verbs you can find in one chapter. Fill in table like this Simple Present Simple past answer answered Is your book on Antolin? Answer the questions there. What are your reading strategies. Write 3 ideas Whats your opinion of this book? Would you recommend it? Find 5 adjektives in your text. Write them down like this: long- longer the longest Find 10 nouns in your book. Write them down.