Arbeitsblatt: Young world 1: Unit 4


Test: Through the year
3. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




daniela felber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Unit 4: Through the year first name: 1. 2. points Translate and write the words on the line Wolke Schuh Schnee Sonne tragen Regen Kleider /7 Draw line from the pictures to the words: socks jacket skirt trousers /12 /3 wooly hat shirt 3. Read and paint with the corect color: /2 The shorts are The wooly hat The skirt is blue. red. is green. The gloves are yellow. GOOD LUCK! Unit 4: Through the year first name: points 1. Translate and write the words on the lines. /7 tragen Kleider Regen Schuh Wolke Schnee Sonne 2. Draw line from the pictures to the words: gloves jacket skirt shorts socks /12 /3 shirt 3. Read and paint with the correct color: The trousers are yellow. The wooly hat is blue. The shirt is red. The socks are green. GOOD LUCK! /2