Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary Training Unit 7


Übung zu einem Teil der Wörtli der Unit 7 im roten Inspiration
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Esther Kunz
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Vocabulary Trainer Unit 7 – part three Mosquitoes, flies and bugs are The horse is fast animal, the snail is one This island lies in the Indian Ocean in the South of India. Ist capital city is Colombo. The blue is the largest mammal (Säugetier) of the earth. Gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees are three different kinds of . The is white animal who lives at the North Pole. We use the wool of the to knit (stricken) pullovers. The is an animal which loves eating carrots and grass. The is disease you you can get when mosquito bites you. You can die of it. Dogs, cats and rabbits are all animals you have at your home. The is orange and black coloured wild cat. My favourite is Roger Federer – he is great! The live at the south pole and are very good swimmers. They walk in funny way. The boa and the cobra are kinds of They dont have any legs, they crawl on the floor. Who is your favourite It is Dominique Gisin, she is ski racer from Switzerland. LION UGLY PARROT AUNT CHEAP Vocabulary Trainer Unit 7 SOLUTIONS Mosquitoes, flies and bugs are The horse is fast animal, the snail is one This island lies in the Indian Ocean in the South of India. Ist capital city is Colombo. The blue is the largest mammal (Säugetier) of the earth. Gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees are three different kinds of . INSECTS SLOW SRI LANKA WHALE MONKEYS The is white animal who lives at the North Pole. POLAR BEAR We use the wool of the to knit (stricken) pullovers. SHEEP The is an animal which loves eating carrots and grass. RABBIT The is disease you can get when mosquito bites you. You can die of it. MALARIA Dogs, cats and rabbits are all animals you have at your home. PETS The is orange and black coloured wild cat. TIGER My favourite is Roger Federer – he is great! SPORTSMAN The live at the south pole and are very good swimmers. They walk in funny way. The boa and the cobra are kinds of Who is your favourite It is Dominique Gisin, she is ski racer from Switzerland. LION UGLY PARROT AUNT CHEAP PENGUINS SNAKES SPORTSWOMAN