Arbeitsblatt: Ready for English Test Unit 1


Grammatiktest RfE Unit 1
7. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Nora Bachmann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Grammar Test Unit 1 name: 1. Sek E, SJ 13/14 Unterschrift Eltern: P: (max.): 37 Fill in the right personal pronoun. (Fülle das richtige Personalpronomen ein.) 4P Fill in the right personal pronoun. (Fülle: ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr, sie auf Englisch ein!) 4P 1. . dreams. (George) 2. . is green. (poster) 3. . are on the wall. (pictures) 4. . runs. (the dog Fido) 5. . are in the garden. (flowers) 6. . is in love. (Sarah) 7. . live in Spain. (My brother and I) 8. Have . got computer, Mandy? Verb ‚to be‘ (Fülle die Lücken mit der richtigen Form. Falls es sie nicht gibt, schreibe ) 8P Deutsche Übersetzung /-/? Long form Short form Ich bin () Youre It is Wir sind nicht (-) Are they? Sie sind () Am I? She isnt Fill in the right country and nationality. (Fülle das richtige Land und Nationalität ein) 5P City Country Nationality Berne Paris Sydney Frankfurt New York Read about Julia and answer to the questions with yes or no. (Lies über Julia und schreibe die Bestätigungsfragen zu den Fragen) 3P My name is Julia. am from Brazil. am seventeen years old and am student. My father is farmer and my mother is housewife. We are very happy family. My three sisters are nurses (Krankenschwestern). My five brothers are soldiers (Soldaten). Our house is very big! Questions to Julia: 1. Are you Italian? No Im not. 2. Are you Brazilian? Yes, am. 3. Is your father doctor? 4. Is he farmer? 5. Is your mother film star? 6. Is she housewife? 7. Are you over eighteen(18)? 8. Are you student? Figure out the right order of this conversation. (Finde die richtige Reihenfolge des Gesprächs heraus.) 4P ] No, am from Scotland. Where are you from? ] Hi! Is this seat taken? ] My name is Silvia. Whats your name? ] Hello. No no, its free. ] My name is John. ] Thank you. The train is very full. Whats your name? ] Oh are you from England? ] am from Austria. Change the sentence in the right form. Verändere die Sätze in die verlangte Form (, oder ) 6P 1. The teacher is from Australia. (-). 2. My sister is small. (?). 3. Are our names Francesca and Jim? (-). 4. Your favourite food is Pizza. (?). 5. We arent from Brazil. (). 6. Are your parents at home? (). Correct the 6 false written words (Korrigiere die 6 falsch geschriebenen Wörter) 3P Irland ist contry in Great Britain. The capitol is Dublin. It is biutiful sitty.