Arbeitsblatt: Prepositions of time


Zusatzübung zu Unit 4 von Open world
Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




C. G.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Prepositions of time Fill in the gaps! 1) There was loud noise which woke us up midnight. 2) Do you usually eat chocolate eggs Easter? 3) What are you doing weekend? 4) My father always reads the newspaper breakfast time. 5) She plays tennis Fridays. 6) We learn English2:15 pm 3:05 pm. 7) The trees here are really beautiful the spring. 8) Shakespeare died 1616. 9) In my hometown, the shops open early the morning. 10) Shem et her husband 1998. 11) We are meeting Friday evening. 12) often get sleepy the afternoon. 13) His daughter was born the 24th of August. 14) Mobile phones became popular the nineties. 15) Luckily the weather was perfect her wedding day. 16) She had nice party the 12th of June. 17) We dont have music Wednesday. 18) We go to school Monday Friday. 19) She arrived the 2nd of November. 20) Lilac blossoms May. 21) This palace was built 17th century. 22) He bought his car March.