Arbeitsblatt: New Inspiration 2 unit 1 working plan


Arbeitsplan zum selbstständigem Arbeiten nach Input der LP
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Markus Lustenberger

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Compulsory obligatorisch Optional freiwillig SB Students Book WB Workbook WL Wordlist Book Tasks Aufgabe /O Input SB p. 10/11 Correct the false sentences and write them into your notebook. Your response: Write the answers into your notebook. Learn the vocabulary 1 2 3 4 SB p. 112 Write the questions into your notebook, then ask two different partners. Write 5 sentences about other students and 5 sentences about yourself into your notebook. Study the present simple and do exercise 1 5 SB p. 11 Language workout 6 WB p. 4 7 WB p. 4 8 WB p. 4 9 WB p. 5 10 WB p. 5 11 WB p. 5 12 13 14 WB p. 6 15 WB p. 6 16 WB p. 6 17 WB p. 5 18 WB p. 6 19 20 C C O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 O 28 29 SB p. 10 WL Lesson 1 SB p. 11 SB p. 11 TEST Input SB p. 12/13 SB p. 12/13 WL Lesson 2 Learn the vocabulary Input SB p. 14/15 SB p. 14/15 SB p. 15 SB p. 15 WL Lesson 3 WB p. 8 WB p. 8 WB p. 8 WB p. 8 Write the definitions into your notebook. Complete the language workout. Learn the vocabulary. TEST Input p. 16/17 SB p. 16 SB p. 16 Write the questions into your notebook. Name: SB p. 17 WL Lesson 4 WB p. 10 WB p. 10 WB p. 11 WL Inspiration Extra WB p. 12 WB p. 12 Lesson 1 WB p. 12 Lesson 3 WB p. 12 Lesson 4 WB p. 13 WB p. 13 Lesson 1 WB p. 13 Lesson 4 WB p. 13 Lesson 4 SB p. 21 WB p. 14 WB p. 14 First you interview another student, then you write his/her answers into your notebook. Learn the vocabulary. Input p. 18/19 Learn the vocabulary. Do exercise Welcome! Do exercise Welcome! Emma Spelling: Do the exercise and write the rules into your notebook. Test Input p. 20/21 30 C O 31 32 33 34 O C O O 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 C 44 45 46