Arbeitsblatt: Animal Domino


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Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Monika Reis
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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ANIMALS DOMINO 1 It lives in forests. It like dog. It eats meat. It lives in grasslands. It has got long neck. It lives in rivers. It has got short legs and long tail. It eats fish. It lives in the jungle. It big cat. It has got spots. It lives in Africa. It the king of the jungle. It black and white. It lives in forests in China. It eats bamboo. It lives in the jungle in Asia. It big cat. It has got stripes. It lives in grasslands in Africa. It has got stripes. It eats grass. It lives in forests. It can climb trees. It loves bananas. It farm animal. It lay eggs. It farm animal. It has got long ears and short tail. It has got wings. It can fly. It eat meat. It big and strong. It lives in forests. It loves honey. It farm animal. It can run very fast. It lives in Australia. It can jump. It very big. It mammal. It lives in the sea. It lives in grasslands. It has got 1 or 2 horns on its nose. It farm animal. It has got horns. It lives near the sea. It can swim very well. It eats fish. It very big fish. It lives near rivers. It can swim very well. It eats grass. It lives in forests. It has got beautiful tail. It loves chicken. It very big. It has got big ears and tusks. It lives in the jungle in Africa. It can walk on two legs.