Arbeitsblatt: Working plan unit 2 New Inspiration II


Arbeitsplan zum selbstständigen Arbeiten nach Input der LP
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Markus Lustenberger

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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name: Compulsory obligatorisch Optional freiwillig SB Students Book WB Workbook WL Wordlist Book Tasks Aufgabe /O SB p. 23 Input SB p. 22 23 Correct the false sentences into your SB. 1 SB p. 23 Complete the chart for Rio and Notting Hill. 2 LANGUAGE WORKOUT Complete the gaps! Study page 114 3 WL Lesson 1 Learn the vocabulary atmosphere judge 4 WB p. 16 5 WB p. 16 6 WB p. 17 7 WB p. 17 8 WB p. 17 WL Lesson 1 9 Learn the vocabulary large – wellknown 10 SB p. 24 Input SB p. 24 Write the questions and answers into your notebook! 11 12 13 14 SB p. 23 SB p. 24 WL Lesson 2 Your response: Why should Emma and Jay do what Steve says? Write three sentences into your notebook. Learn the vocabulary bank – look after someone Input SB p. 25 SB p. 25 LANGUAGE WORKOUT Complete the gaps! Study page 114 15 WL Lesson 2 Learn the vocabulary bank – look after someone 16 WB p. 18 17 WB p. 18 18 WB p. 19 19 WB p. 19 20 WB p. 19 21 C 22 23 24 25 26 WB p. 21 C 27 28 WB p. 21 29 WB p. 21 WB p. 21 Extension 30 31 SB p. 25 TEST WL Lesson 3 SB p. 27 Input SB p. 26 27 Learn the vocabulary backstage – live music LANGUAGE WORKOUT Fill in the gaps and check on page 115 WB p. 20 WB p. 20 WB p. 20 WL Lesson 3 You must do five of the 8 sentences. Learn the vocabulary lovely world name: Input SB p. 28 29 32 C 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WB p. 26 C C C C 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 WB p. 26 49 50 51 O 52 53 54 SB p. 29 WL Lesson 4 SB p. 29 Learn the vocabulary arrival lentils Write little text in your notebook! Write about your New Years Eve. Write what you normally eat and drink and what you do. Your text must have about 50 words. WB p. 22 WB p. 22 WB p. 23 WL Lesson 4 SB p. 31 Revision SB p. 31 Revision WB p. 24 Lesson 1 WB p. 24 Lesson 2 WB p. 24 Lesson 3 WB p. 24 Lesson 4 WB p. 24 Lesson 4 WL Extra WB p. 25 WB p. 27 WB p. 27 SB p. 32 SB p. 33 WL Resolution means Vorsatz. should or shouldnt. Learn the vocabulary light wine TEST Input SB p. 30/ 31 Lesson 1 Write for every line (Age, Population, Winter, Summer two sentences into your notebook! Lesson 2 Describe our classroom. Look at page 25 7 in the SB and then write ten sentences into your notebook! You must write four of the eight sentences! You must write four of the nine sentences! Spelling Learn the vocabulary You must do four of the eight sentences. Learn the vocabulary of Unit 2 TEST