Arbeitsblatt: Young World 4. Klasse


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4. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Serenity (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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E Revision – How much vocabulary do still know? Vocabulary Task 1 What job do these people have? Fill in the right vocabulary. (8 points) 1. work with children in school. Im. 2. sell sausages and meat. Im. 3. can buy stamps for letter at the. 4. prepare the tables for lunch and dinner. People can eat here. Im . 5. drive around the town all day. take people wherever they like. Im. 6. get up very early. Usually at 3 oclock in the morning. The bread has to be ready at 6.30. Im. 7. fill up all the shelves with milk, cheese, chocolate, yoghurt, fruits, Im and work in . 8. walk through the town with my bag full of letters. Im . Task 2 Write the correct word in English in the gap. You can find the German words below. (25 points) 1. Picasso was very painter. 2. It is round and it has diameter. It is. 3. Richard Paul Lohse was Swiss. 4. When the sun is shining you can see colours. 5. For Star of the Week you had to many stars. 6. Wolfgang von Goethe was writer. 7. It is fruit and it is red. It is. 8. In the picture big house. In the house two cats. 9. The pear tree is old. There are no fruits and leaves anymore. It is . So we want to chop it down. 10. 11. This animal is very slow. It has house on the back. It is the . Bees can be very dangerous because they can you. 12. 13. The hides the nuts in the tree. If you want to make kitchen table from tree you need . 14. Some pupils go to school by bicycle. Other pupils go to school . Kaans paper plane is Nicos paper plane. When arrive home from school have to do my . like the fresh air. He climbs up mountains and he walks along the river. Its the . Lions and tigers are wild animals. They are very . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Maltisa: today? Haci: Its sunny and 30 degrees! bicycle has two wheels and on the wheels there are two. You want to open the door? Please the door. Nadines paper plane is Leonoras paper plane. Its an animal and it lives in the ocean. Its . enjoyed our on the Atzmännig very much. Eichhörnchen ziehen nutzlos stechen langsamer als atmen Holz Wie ist das Wetter? schneller als Haifisch Schnecke Reifen Schulreise ausschneiden Hausaufgaben berühmt schnell zu Fuss Wanderer Gedicht hell es hat Kreis Erdbeere Künstler