Arbeitsblatt: ni 3: unit 4.1 verbs of perception


Übersicht und Übungen zu verbs of perception in 4.1
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Astrid Schwartz
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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ENGLISCH verbes of perception Verbes pf perception (Verben der Wahrnehmung) Nach Verben der Wahrnehmung und des Beobachtens wird oft das Present Participle benutzt hear, listen to, smell, see, notice, feel, talk and watch. Die Sätze werden gebildet, indem man das Verb Objekt Present Participle nimmt. Aufgabe: 1. Please use the participle form (verb ing) of one of these verbs: play, do, walk, fight, stare, hesitate, run, put, talk (2x) in the following sentences. They arent in the right order. My parents watched me . my homework for moment. 2. heard you . on the telephone when was on my way to bed. 3. My parents saw the boy . out of the shop. 4. We noticed the gardener . before he planted the tree in the corner of the garden. 5. could feel the man . at me. 6. Did you see the girls . on the playing fields? 7. The young boy saw the old man . across the road and ran over 8. Tony and Simon watched their friends . football although it 9. to help him. was pouring with rain. didnt see Tom . his exercise book on the pile of books at the front of the room, did you? 10. heard the teachers . about me, because was standing around the corner. verbs of perception ENGLISCH Lö: verbes of perception Verbes pf perception (Verben der Wahrnehmung) Nach Verben der Wahrnehmung und des Beobachtens wird oft das Present Participle benutzt hear, listen to, smell, see, notice, feel, talk and watch. Die Sätze werden gebildet, indem man das Verb Objekt Present Participle nimmt. Aufgabe: Please use the participle form (verb ing) of one of these verbs: play, do, walk, fight, stare, hesitate, run, put, talk (2x) in the following sentences. They arent in the right order. 1. My parents watched me doing my homework for moment. 2. heard you talking on the telephone when was on my way to bed. 3. My parents saw the boy running out of the shop. 4. We noticed the gardener hesitating before he planted the tree in the corner of the garden. 5. could feel the man staring at me. 6. Did you see the girls fighting on the playing fields? 7. The young boy saw the old man walking across the road and ran over to help him. 8. Tony and Simon watched their friends playing football although it was pouring with rain. 9. didnt see Tom putting his exercise book on the pile of books at the front of the room, did you? 10. heard the teachers talking about me, because was standing around the corner. verbs of perception